Page 46 - Withholding Taxes for Foreign Entities
P. 46

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         The type and rule above prints on all proofs including departmental reproduction proofs. MUST be removed before printing.
         information.  You  are  encouraged  to  file  elec-  Penalties              penalty of $3,392,000 per year
         tronically even if you are not required to do so. If                        ($1,130,500 for a small business).
         you are required to file electronically but fail to   If you do not file a correct and complete Form
         do so, and you do not have an approved waiver   1042 or Form 1042-S with the IRS on time or if   Exception.    No  penalty  is  imposed  if  you
         on record, penalties may apply. For the instruc-  you  do  not  provide  a  correct  and  complete   meet all the following requirements.
         tions  for  filing  Form  8966  electronically,  see   Form 1042-S to the recipient on time, you may   1. You provided a Form 1042-S to a recipient
         Pub. 5124.                          be subject to a penalty.                on time, but it was incorrect or incomplete.
         Extensions of Time To File          Failure to file Form 1042.  The penalty for not   2. You provided a correct Form 1042-S to
                                                                                     the recipient by August 1.
                                             filing  Form  1042  when  due  (including  exten-
         You  can  request  extensions  of  time  to  file   sions) is usually 5% of the unpaid tax for each   If you satisfy the requirements in (1) and (2)
                                             month or part of a month the return is late, but
         Forms 1042 and 1042-S with the IRS and addi-  not more than 25% of the unpaid tax.  above,  the  penalty  for  providing  incorrect  re-
         tional extensions to furnish Forms 1042-S to re-                        turns (but not for filing late) will not apply to the
         cipients.                           Failure  to  file  correct  Form  1042-S.  A  pen-  greater of 10 Forms 1042-S or 0.50% of the to-
                                                                                 tal  number  of  all  types  of  information  returns
         Extension to file Form 1042.  You can get an   alty  may  be  imposed  for  failure  to  file  Form   you had to provide during the calendar year.
                                             1042-S when due (including extensions) or for
         automatic  6-month  extension  of  time  to  file   failure to provide complete and correct informa-
         Form 1042 by filing Form 7004. File Form 7004   tion.  The  amount  of  the  penalty  depends  on   Penalty for intentional disregard of require-
         on or before the due date of Form 1042. Form   when you file a correct Form 1042-S. The pen-  ments to file or provide returns.  If you inten-
         7004 does not extend the time for payment of   alty for each Form 1042-S is:  tionally  disregard  the  requirement  to  file  Form
         tax.                                  • $50 if you file a correct form within 30   1042-S  when  due,  to  provide  Form  1042-S  to
                                                                                 the recipient when due, or to report correct in-
               Form  7004  extends  only  the  due  date   days, with a maximum penalty of $565,000   formation, the penalty is the greater of $560 or
           !   for  filing  the  returns  with  the  IRS.  It   per year ($197,500 for a small business);  10% of the total amount of the items that must
          CAUTION  does  not  extend  the  due  date  for  fur-  • $110 if you file after 30 days but by August   be reported, with no maximum penalty.
         nishing statements to recipients.       1, with a maximum penalty of $1,696,000
                                                 ($565,000 for a small business); or  Failure to file electronically.  If you are re-
         Extension to file Form 1042-S with the IRS.   • $280 if you file after August 1 or do not file   quired to file Form 1042-S electronically but you
                                                                                 fail to do so, and you do not have an approved
         You can get an automatic 30-day extension of   a correct form, with a maximum penalty of
         time  to  file  Form  1042-S  by  filing  Form  8809.   $3,392,000 per year ($1,130,500 for a   waiver, penalties may apply unless you estab-
                                                                                 lish reasonable cause for your failure.
         You  should  request  an  extension  as  soon  as   small business).
         you are aware that an extension is necessary,   Small businesses—lower maximum pen-
         but  no  later  than  the  due  date  for  filing  Form   alties.  A small business is a business that has   Partnership Withholding
         1042-S. You may request one additional exten-  average  annual  gross  receipts  of  $5  million  or
         sion  of  30  days  by  submitting  a  second  Form   less for the most recent 3 tax years (or for the  on Effectively
         8809  before  the  end  of  the  first  extension  pe-  period of its existence, if shorter) ending before
         riod.  Requests  for  an  additional  extension  are   the  calendar  year  in  which  the  Forms  1042-S  Connected Income
         not automatically granted. Approval or denial is   are due.
         based on administrative criteria and guidelines.                        Under  section  1446,  a  partnership  (foreign  or
         The IRS will send you a letter of explanation ap-  Exception.    No  penalty  is  imposed  if  the   domestic)  that  has  income  effectively  connec-
         proving  or  denying  your  request  for  an  addi-  following statements are true.  ted  with  a  U.S.  trade  or  business  (or  income
         tional extension.                     1. You filed Form 1042-S with the IRS on   treated  as  effectively  connected)  must  pay  a
               If you are requesting extensions of time   time, but it was incorrect or incomplete.  withholding  tax  on  the  effectively  connected
           !   to  file  for  more  than  one  withholding   2. You filed a correct Form 1042-S by  taxable  income  that  is  allocable  to  its  foreign
                                                                                 partners.  A  publicly  traded  partnership  must
          CAUTION  agent  or  payer,  you  must  submit  the   August 1.
         extension request electronically.                                       withhold tax on actual distributions of effectively
                                                If  both  statements  (1)  and  (2)  are  true,  the   connected  income.  See  Publicly  Traded  Part-
         Extension  to  provide  statements  to  recipi-  penalty for filing incorrect returns (but not for fil-  nerships, later. Chapter 4 withholding does not
                                                                                 apply to this income.
         ents.  You may request an extension of time to   ing late) will not apply to the greater of 10 Forms
         provide the statements to recipients by sending   1042-S or 0.50% of the total number of Forms   This  withholding  tax  does  not  apply  to  in-
         a letter to:                        1042-S  and  any  other  information  returns  you   come that is not effectively connected with the
                                             are required to file with the IRS for the calendar   partnership's  U.S.  trade  or  business.  That  in-
             Internal Revenue Service        year.                               come may be subject to Chapter 3 withholding
             Information Returns Branch                                          tax, as discussed earlier in this publication.
             Attn: Extension of Time Coordinator  Failure to furnish Form 1042-S to recipient.
             240 Murall Drive, Mail Stop 4360  A penalty may be imposed for failure to provide   Who Must Withhold
             Kearneysville, WV 25430         Form 1042-S to the recipient when due (includ-
                                             ing extensions) or for failing to provide complete
                                             and correct information. The amount of the pen-
         The letter must include (a) your name, (b) your   alty depends on when  you  provide the correct   The partnership, or a withholding agent for the
         TIN,  (c)  your  address,  (d)  type  of  return,  (e)  a   Form  1042-S.  The  penalty  for  each  Form   partnership,  must  pay  the  withholding  tax.  A
         statement that your extension request is for pro-  1042-S is:           partnership  that  must  pay  the  withholding  tax
         viding  statements  to  recipients,  (f)  reason  for   • $50 if you provide the correct Form 1042-S   but fails to do so may be liable for the payment
         delay, and (g) the signature of the payer or au-  within 30 days, with a maximum penalty of   of the tax and any penalties and interest.
         thorized  agent.  Your  request  must  be  post-  $565,000 per year ($197,500 for a small
         marked  by  the  date  on  which  the  statements   business);             The  partnership  must  determine  whether  a
         are due to the recipients. If your request for an   • $110 if you provide the correct Form   partner  is  a  foreign  partner.  A  foreign  partner
         extension  is  approved,  generally  you  will  be   1042-S after 30 days but by August 1, with   can  be  a  nonresident  alien  individual,  foreign
         granted a maximum of 30 extra days to furnish   a maximum penalty of $1,696,000   corporation,  foreign  partnership,  foreign  estate
         the recipient statements. See Pub. 1187.  ($565,000 for a small business); or  or trust, foreign tax-exempt organization, or for-
                                               • $280 if you provide the correct Form   eign government.
                                                 1042-S after August 1, with a maximum   U.S. partner.   A partner that is a U.S. person
                                                                                 should provide Form W-9 to the partnership.

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