Page 51 - Withholding Taxes for Foreign Entities
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           7. The amount the transferor realizes on the   • Typing, copying, and other clerical tasks.  must  file  a  U.S.  income  tax  return  and  attach
             transfer of a U.S. real property interest is   • Obtaining title insurance reports and re-  the stamped Form 8288-A to receive credit for
             zero.                               ports concerning the condition of the prop-  any tax withheld.
           8. The property is acquired by the United   erty.                           A  stamped  copy  of  Form  8288-A  will
             States, a U.S. state or possession, a politi-  • Transmitting documents between the par-  !  not be provided to the transferor if the
             cal subdivision, or the District of Columbia.                        CAUTION  transferor's TIN is not included on that
           9. The grantor realizes an amount on the   Reporting and              form. The IRS will send a letter to the transferor
                                                                                 requesting  the  TIN  and  providing  instructions
             grant or lapse of an option to acquire a
             U.S. real property interest. However, you   Paying the Tax          for how to get a TIN. When the transferor pro-
                                                                                 vides  the  IRS  with  a  TIN,  the  IRS  will  provide
             must withhold on the sale, exchange, or
             exercise of that option.        Transferees must use Forms 8288 and 8288-A   the  transferor  with  a  stamped  copy  B  of  Form
                                             to report and pay over any tax withheld on the
          10. The disposition is of an interest in a pub-  acquisition  of  U.S.  real  property  interests.
             licly traded partnership or trust. However,   These  forms  also  must  be  used  by  corpora-  Form  1099-S.  In  most  cases,  the  real  estate
             this exception does not apply to certain   tions, estates, and QIEs that must withhold tax   broker  or  other  person  responsible  for  closing
             dispositions of substantial amounts of   on distributions and other transactions involving   the transaction must report the sale of the prop-
             non-publicly traded interests in publicly   U.S.  real  property  interests.  You  must  include   erty to the IRS using Form 1099-S. For more in-
             traded partnerships or trusts.  the  U.S.  TIN  of  both  the  transferor  and  the   formation about Form 1099-S, see the Instruc-
            Late filing of certifications or notices.  If   transferee on the forms.  tions  for  Form  1099-S  and  the  General
         you  become  aware  that  you  have  failed  to   For partnerships disposing of U.S. real prop-  Instructions for Certain Information Returns.
         timely  file  certain  certifications  or  notices,  you   erty interests, the manner of reporting and pay-
         still may be able to file them. See Revenue Pro-  ing  over  the  tax  withheld  is  the  same  as  dis-  Withholding Certificates
         cedure  2008-27,  available  at  cussed  earlier  under  Partnership  Withholding
         2008-21_IRB#RP-2008-27.             on Effectively Connected Income.    The amount that must be withheld from the dis-
            Complete the required certification or notice
         and  file  it  with  the  appropriate  person  or  the   Publicly traded trusts must use Forms 1042   position of a U.S. real property interest can be
                                                                                 adjusted by a withholding certificate issued  by
         IRS. Also include the following.    and 1042-S to report and pay over tax withheld
           • A statement at the top of the document(s)   on  distributions  from  dispositions  of  U.S.  real   the IRS. The transferee, the transferee's agent,
                                                                                 or the transferor may request a withholding cer-
             that it is “FILED PURSUANT TO Revenue   property interests.
             Procedure 2008-27.”                QIEs must use Forms 1042 and 1042-S for   tificate. The IRS will generally act on these re-
           • An explanation describing why the failure   a  distribution  to  a  nonresident  alien  or  foreign   quests  within  90  days  after  receipt  of  a  com-
             was due to reasonable cause. Within the   corporation that is treated as a dividend, as dis-  plete  application  including  the  TINs  of  all  the
                                                                                 parties to the transaction. A transferor that ap-
             explanation, provide that you filed with, or   cussed earlier under Qualified investment enti-
             obtained from, an appropriate person the   ties (QIEs).             plies for a withholding certificate must notify the
                                                                                 transferee in writing that the certificate has been
             required certification or notice.                                   applied for on the day of or the day before the
            The  completed  certification  or  notice  at-  Form  8288.  The  tax  withheld  on  the  acquisi-  transfer.
         tached  to  the  explanation  must  be  sent  to  the   tion of a U.S. real property interest from a for-
         Ogden  Service  Center,  P.O.  Box  409101,  Og-  eign  person  is  reported  and  paid  over  using   A withholding certificate may be issued due
         den, UT 84409.                      Form  8288.  Form  8288  also  serves  as  the   to:
                                             transmittal  form  for  copies  A  and  B  of  Form
            Certifications.  The  certifications  in  items   8288-A.              1. A determination by the IRS that reduced
         (3) and (4) are not effective if you (or the quali-                         withholding is appropriate because either:
         fied  substitute)  have  actual  knowledge,  or  re-  In most cases, you must file Form 8288   a. The amount that must be withheld
         ceive a notice from an agent (or substitute), that   DUE  by  the  20th  day  after  the  date  of  the   would be more than the transferor's
         they are false. This also applies to the qualified   transfer.                 maximum tax liability, or
         substitute's statement under item (4).
            If you (or the substitute) are required by reg-  If an application for a withholding certificate   b. Withholding of the reduced amount
         ulations to furnish a copy of the certification (or   (discussed later) is submitted to the IRS before   would not jeopardize collection of the
         statement) to the IRS and you (or the substitute)   or on the date of a transfer and the application   tax;
         fail to do so in the time and manner prescribed,   is still pending with the IRS on the date of trans-  2. The exemption from U.S. tax of all gain re-
         the certification (or statement) is not effective.  fer,  the  correct  withholding  tax  must  be  with-
                                             held, but does not have to be reported and paid   alized by the transferor; or
            Liability of agent or qualified substitute.   over  immediately.  The  amount  withheld  (or   3. An agreement for the payment of tax pro-
         If  you  (or  the  substitute)  receive  a  certification   lesser amount as determined by the IRS) must   viding security for the tax liability, entered
         discussed  in  item  (3)  or  (4)  or  a  statement  in   be reported and paid over within 20 days follow-  into by the transferee or transferor.
         item (4), and the agent, or substitute, has actual   ing the day on which a copy of the withholding
         knowledge that the certification (or statement) is   certificate  or  notice  of  denial  is  mailed  by  the   Applications  for  withholding  certificates  are
         false, or in the case of (3), that the corporation   IRS.               divided into six basic categories. This categoriz-
         is a foreign corporation, the agent (or substitute)                     ing provides for specific information that is nee-
                                                If  the  principal  purpose  of  applying  for  a
         must notify you, or the agent (or substitute) will   withholding  certificate  is  to  delay  paying  over   ded to process the applications. The six catego-
         be held liable for the tax. The agent's (or substi-                     ries are:
         tute's) liability is limited to the compensation the   the withheld tax, the transferee will be subject to   1. Applications based on a claim that the
                                             interest  and  penalties.  The  interest  and  penal-
         agent (or substitute) gets from the transaction.                            transferor is entitled to nonrecognition
            An agent is any person who represents the   ties  will  be  assessed  for  the  period  beginning   treatment or is exempt from tax,
         transferor  or  transferee  in  any  negotiation  with   on  the  21st  day  after  the  date  of  transfer  and
         another person (or another person's agent) re-  ending on the day the payment is made.  2. Applications based solely on a calculation
         lating to the transaction, or in settling the trans-  Form  8288-A.  The  withholding  agent  must   of the transferor's maximum tax liability,
         action. A person is not treated as an agent if the   prepare  a  Form  8288-A  for  each  person  from   3. Applications under special installment
         person only performs one or more of the follow-  whom  tax  has  been  withheld.  Attach  copies  A   sales rules,
         ing acts related to the transaction.  and  B  of  Form  8288-A  to  Form  8288.  Keep
           • Receipt and disbursement of any part of   copy C for your records.    4. Applications based on an agreement for
             the consideration.                                                      the payment of tax with conforming secur-
           • Recording of any document.         The IRS will stamp copy B and send it to the   ity,
                                             person  subject  to  withholding.  That  person
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