Page 50 - Withholding Taxes for Foreign Entities
P. 50

10:50 - 14-Feb-2020
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         The type and rule above prints on all proofs including departmental reproduction proofs. MUST be removed before printing.
         transferee  of  the  partnership  interest  must  de-  Disposition  of  REIT  stock.  Disposition  of   Exceptions.  You do not have to withhold if any
         duct and withhold 15% of the amount realized   stock in a REIT that is held directly (or indirectly   of the following apply.
         on the disposition.                 through  one  or  more  partnerships)  by  a  quali-  1. You (the transferee) acquire the property
                                             fied shareholder may not be subject to withhold-
            Trusts and estates.  You are a withholding   ing. See section 897(k)(2) for more information.  for use as a residence and the amount re-
         agent if you are a trustee, fiduciary, or executor                          alized (sales price) is not more than
         of a trust or estate having one or more foreign   Domestically controlled QIE.  The sale of   $300,000. You or a member of your family
         beneficiaries.  You  must  establish  a  U.S.  real   an  interest  in  a  domestically  controlled  QIE  is   must have definite plans to reside at the
         property interest account. You enter in the ac-  not the sale of a U.S. real property interest. The   property for at least 50% of the number of
         count  all  gains  and  losses  realized  during  the   entity  is  domestically  controlled  if  at  all  times   days the property is used by any person
         tax year of the trust or estate from dispositions   during the testing period less than 50% in value   during each of the first two 12-month peri-
         of  U.S.  real  property  interests.  You  must  with-  of  its  stock  was  held,  directly  or  indirectly,  by   ods following the date of transfer. When
         hold 21% on any distribution to a foreign benefi-  foreign  persons.  The  testing  period  is  the   counting the number of days the property
         ciary  that  is  attributable  to  the  balance  in  the   shorter  of  (a)  the  5-year  period  ending  on  the   is used, do not count the days the property
         real property interest account on the day of the   date  of  disposition,  or  (b)  the  period  during   will be vacant. For this exception, the
         distribution. A distribution from a trust or estate   which the entity was in existence.  transferee must be an individual.
         to  a  beneficiary  (foreign  or  domestic)  will  be   For  the  purpose  of  determining  whether  a   2. The property disposed of is an interest in a
         treated as attributable first to any balance in the   QIE  is  domestically  controlled,  the  following   domestic corporation and any class of
         U.S. real property interest account and then to   rules apply.              stock of the corporation is regularly traded
         other amounts.                        1. A person holding less than 5% of any   on an established securities market. How-
            A trust with more than 100 beneficiaries may                             ever, this exception does not apply to cer-
         elect to withhold from each distribution 21% of   class of stock of a QIE which is regularly   tain dispositions of substantial amounts of
                                                 traded on an established securities market
         the  amount  attributable  to  the  foreign  benefi-  in the United States at all times during the   non-publicly traded interests in publicly
         ciary's  proportionate  share  of  the  current  bal-  testing period will be treated as a U.S. per-  traded corporations.
         ance  of  the  trust's  real  property  interest  ac-  son unless the QIE has actual knowledge
         count.  This  election  does  not  apply  to  publicly   that such person is not a U.S. person.  3. The disposition is of an interest in a do-
         traded  trusts  or  REITs.  For  more  information                          mestic corporation and that corporation
         about  this  election,  see  Regulations  section   2. Any stock in a QIE that is held by another   furnishes you a certification stating, under
         1.1445-5(c).                            QIE will be treated as held by a foreign   penalties of perjury, that the interest is not
                                                 person if:                          a U.S. real property interest. In most ca-
         Publicly traded partnership and trust inter-                                ses, the corporation can make this certifi-
         ests.  If any class of interest in a partnership or   a. Any class of stock of such other QIE   cation only if either of the following is true.
         a trust is regularly traded on an established se-  is regularly traded on an established   • During the previous 5 years (or, if
         curities  market,  any  interest in such  a partner-  securities market, or    shorter, the period the interest was
         ship  or  trust  will  be  treated  as  an  interest  in  a   b. Such other QIE is a RIC that issues   held by its present owner), the corpo-
         publicly  traded  corporation  and  will  be  subject   certain redeemable securities.  ration was not a USRPHC.
         to the rules applicable to those interests.                                  • As of the date of disposition, the inter-
                                                    Notwithstanding  the  above,  the  stock   est in the corporation is not a U.S.
         Qualified  investment  entities  (QIEs).  Spe-  of the QIE will be treated as held by a U.S.   real property interest by reason of
         cial rules apply to QIEs. A QIE is:     person  if  such  other  QIE  is  domestically   section 897(c)(1)(B) of the Code. The
           1. A REIT, or                       3. Stock in a QIE that is held by any other   certification must be dated not more
                                                                                         than 30 days before the date of trans-
           2. A RIC that is a U.S. real property holding   QIE not described above will be treated as   fer.
             corporation.                        held by a U.S. person in proportion to the   4. The transferor gives you a certification
            Look-through  rule  for  QIEs.  In  most  ca-  stock ownership of such other QIE which   stating, under penalties of perjury, that the
         ses,  any  distribution  from  a  QIE  to  a  nonresi-  is (or is treated as) held by a U.S. person.  transferor is not a foreign person and con-
         dent alien, foreign corporation, or other QIE that   If  a  foreign  shareholder  in  a  domestically   taining the transferor's name, U.S. TIN,
         is attributable to the QIE's gain from the sale or   controlled QIE disposes of an interest in the QIE   and home address (or office address, in
         exchange of a U.S. real property interest is trea-  in an applicable wash sale transaction, special   the case of an entity).
         ted as gain recognized by the nonresident alien,   rules apply. See section 897.  The transferor can give the certification
         foreign corporation, or other QIE from the sale                             to a qualified substitute. The qualified sub-
         or exchange of a U.S. real property interest.  Retirement  and  pension  funds.  A  qualified   stitute gives you a statement, under penal-
            A distribution by a QIE to a nonresident alien   foreign pension fund or any entity wholly owned   ties of perjury, that the certification is in the
         or  foreign  corporation  that  is  treated  as  gain   by  such  qualified  foreign  pension  fund  will  not   possession of the qualified substitute. For
         from the sale or exchange of a U.S. real prop-  be treated as a foreign person for dispositions   this  purpose,  a  qualified  substitute  is  (a)
         erty  interest  by  the  shareholder  is  subject  to   of U.S. real property interest or distributions re-  the person (including any attorney or title
         withholding at 21%.                 ceived  from  a  REIT.  Qualified  foreign  pension   company)  responsible  for  closing  the
            Certain exceptions apply to the look-through   funds are described in section 897(l)(2).  transaction,  other  than  the  transferor's
         rule for distributions by QIEs. Any distribution by                         agent, and (b) the transferee's agent.
         a QIE with respect to stock regularly traded on   Additional  information.  For  additional  infor-  5. You receive a withholding certificate from
         an  established  securities  market  in  the  United   mation  on  the  withholding  rules  that  apply  to   the IRS that excuses withholding. See
         States is not treated as gain from the sale or ex-  corporations,  trusts,  estates,  and  qualified  in-  Withholding Certificates, later.
         change  of  a  U.S.  real  property  interest  if  the   vestment entities, see section 1445 of the Inter-
         shareholder did not own more than 5% of that   nal Revenue Code and the related regulations.   6. The transferor gives you written notice that
         stock  (or  more  than  10%  of  that  stock  in  the   For  additional  information  on  the  withholding   no recognition of any gain or loss on the
         case of REITs) at any time during the 1-year pe-  rules that apply to partnerships, see the previ-  transfer is required because of a nonre-
         riod ending on the date of the distribution. A dis-  ous discussion.        cognition provision in the Internal Revenue
         tribution  by  a  REIT  generally  is  not  treated  as   You also may write to the:  Code or a provision in a U.S. tax treaty.
         gain  from  the  sale  or  exchange  of  a  U.S.  real                      You must file a copy of the notice by the
         property interest if the shareholder is a qualified                         20th day after the date of transfer with the
         shareholder (as described in section 897(k)(3)).   Internal Revenue Service  Ogden Service Center, P.O. Box 409101,
         These  distributions  may  be  included  in  the   Philadelphia, PA 19255-0725  Ogden, UT 84409.
         shareholder's gross income as a dividend from
         the QIE, not as long-term capital gain.

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