Page 49 - Withholding Taxes for Foreign Entities
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         payments of taxes withheld under section 1446   erty interest by purchase, exchange, gift, or any   hold  10%  of  the  amount  realized  by  a  foreign
         do not apply to PTPs. Instead, apply the rules   other transfer.        person.  The  rate  of  withholding  is  15%  when
         discussed  earlier  under  Depositing  Withheld                         the amount realized is in excess of $1,000,000.
         Taxes.                              U.S. real property interest.  A U.S. real prop-
                                                                                    Foreign  corporations.  A  foreign  corpora-
                                             erty interest is an interest, other than as a cred-  tion that distributes a U.S. real property interest
         Section 1446(f)                     itor,  in  real  property  (including  an  interest  in  a   must withhold a tax equal to 21% of the gain it
                                             mine,  well,  or  other  natural  deposit)  located  in
         Withholding                         the United States or the U.S. Virgin Islands, as   recognizes on the distribution to its sharehold-
                                             well as certain personal property that is associ-
                                             ated with the use of real property (such as farm-  Domestic  corporations.  A  domestic  cor-
         Section 13501 of the TCJA added IRC section   ing machinery). It also means any interest, other   poration  must  withhold  tax  on  the  fair  market
         1446(f),  which,  generally,  requires  the  trans-  than as a creditor, in any domestic corporation   value  of  the  property  distributed  to  a  foreign
         feree of a partnership interest to withhold 10%   unless it is established that the corporation was   shareholder if:
         of the amount realized on the disposition of the   at no time a U.S. real property holding corpora-  • The shareholder's interest in the corpora-
         partnership interest.               tion  during  the  shorter  of  the  period  during   tion is a U.S. real property interest, and
            Notice  2018-29,  available  at  which the interest was held, or the 5-year period   • The property distributed is either in re-
         2018-16_IRB#NOT-2018-29,  provides  interim   ending  on  the  date  of  disposition  (applicable   demption of stock or in liquidation of the
         guidance regarding withholding of U.S. tax rela-  periods).  An  interest  in  a  corporation  is  not  a   corporation.
         ted  to  transfers  of  interests  in  partnerships,   U.S. real property interest if:  The  corporation  generally  must  withhold
         other than PTPs, under section 1446(f).  1. Such corporation did not hold any U.S.   15% of the amount realized by a foreign person.
            Notice  2018-08,  available  at  real property interests on the date of dis-
         2018-07_IRB#NOT-2018-08,  temporarily  sus-  position,                     U.S. real property holding corporations.
         pends the application of section 1446(f) to the   2. All the U.S. real property interests held by   A distribution from a domestic corporation that
         disposition of certain PTP interests until further   such corporation at any time during the   is  a  U.S.  real  property  holding  corporation
         guidance  is  issued.  On  May  7,  2019,  the  De-  shorter of the applicable periods were dis-  (USRPHC)  generally  is  subject  to  Chapter  3
         partment  of  Treasury  and  the  IRS  issued  pro-  posed of in transactions in which the full   withholding and withholding under the U.S. real
         posed  regulations  under  IRC  section  1446(f)   amount of any gain was recognized, and  property interest provisions. This also applies to
         (84  FR  21198),  which  include  withholding  re-                      a corporation that was a USRPHC at any time
         quirements in connection with transfers of PTP   3. Such corporation and any predecessor of   during the shorter of the period during which the
         interests.                              such corporation was not a RIC or a REIT   U.S.  real  property  interest  was  held,  or  the
                                                 during the shorter of the applicable peri-  5-year period ending on the date of disposition.
         Form  8288  and  8288-A.  Currently,  to  meet   ods during which the interest was held.  A USRPHC can satisfy both withholding provi-
         the  withholding,  payment,  and  reporting  re-  Exception for publicly traded stock.  If, at   sions  if  it  withholds  under  one  of  the  following
         quirements  under  section  1446(f),  taxpayers   any time during the calendar year, any class of   procedures.
         use  Forms  8288  and  8288-A.  Follow  the  in-  stock of a domestic corporation is regularly tra-  • Apply Chapter 3 withholding on the full
         structions in section 5 of Notice 2018-29, avail-  ded on an established securities market, an in-  amount of the distribution, whether or not
         able          at  terest in such corporation will not be treated as   any part of the distribution represents a re-
         2018-16_IRB#NOT-2018-29.            a  U.S.  real  property  interest  if  the  beneficial   turn of basis or capital gain. If a reduced
                                             owner did not own more than 5% of the total fair   tax rate applies under an income tax
                                                                                     treaty, see Regulations section
         U.S. Real                           market value of that class of interests, or 10% of   1.1441-3T(c)(4)(i)(A) for the minimum with-
                                             the total fair market value of that class of inter-
                                                                                     holding rate that may be applicable.
         Property Interest                   ests in the case of a REIT at any time during the   • Apply Chapter 3 withholding to the part of
                                             shorter  of  the  applicable  periods.  Certain  con-  the distribution that the USRPHC esti-
         The disposition of a U.S. real property interest   structive ownership rules apply for purposes of   mates is a dividend. Then, withhold 15%
                                             determining  whether  any  person  meets  the
         by a foreign person (the transferor) is subject to                          on the remainder of the distribution (or on a
         income  tax  withholding  under  section  1445.  If   above  ownership  threshold  of  any  class  of   smaller amount if a withholding certificate
                                             stock. See section 897(c)(6)(C) for more infor-
         you are the transferee, you must find out if the                            is obtained and the amount of the distribu-
         transferor is a foreign person. If the transferor is   mation on the constructive ownership rules.  tion that is a return of capital is estab-
         a  foreign  person  and  you  fail  to  withhold,  you   Amount to withhold.  The transferee must de-  lished).
         may be held liable for the tax.     duct and withhold a tax on the total amount real-  The  same  procedure  must  be  used  for  all
         Foreign person.  A foreign person is a nonresi-  ized  by  the  foreign  person  on  the  disposition.   distributions  made  during  the  year.  A  different
                                                                                 procedure may be used each year.
         dent  alien  individual,  or  a  foreign  corporation   The rate of withholding generally is 15%.
         that  has  not  made  an  election  under  section   The amount realized is the sum of:  Partnerships.  If a domestic or foreign part-
         897(i) of the Internal Revenue Code to be trea-  • The cash paid, or to be paid (principal   nership with any foreign partners disposes of a
         ted as a domestic corporation, foreign partner-  only);                 U.S. real property interest at a gain, the gain is
         ship, foreign trust, or foreign estate. It does not   • The fair market value of other property   treated  as  effectively  connected  income  and
         include a resident alien individual or, in certain   transferred, or to be transferred; and  generally is subject to the rules explained ear-
         cases,  a  qualified  foreign  pension  fund.  See   • The amount of any liability assumed by the   lier  under  Partnership  Withholding  on  Effec-
         Retirement and pension funds, later.    transferee or to which the property is sub-  tively Connected Income. A foreign partnership
                                                 ject immediately before and after the trans-  that  disposes  of  a  U.S.  real  property  interest
         Transferor.  A transferor is any foreign person   fer.                  may credit the taxes withheld by the transferee
         that disposes of a U.S. real property interest by   If the property transferred was owned jointly   against  the  tax  liability  determined  under  the
         sale,  exchange,  gift,  or  any  other  transfer.  A   by  U.S.  and  foreign  persons,  the  amount  real-  partnership  withholding  on  effectively  connec-
         transfer  includes  distributions  to  shareholders   ized is allocated between the transferors based   ted income rules.
         of a corporation and beneficiaries of a trust or   on the capital contribution of each transferor.  If a foreign person disposes of an interest in
         estate.                                                                 a partnership in which 50% or more of the value
            The  owner  of  a  disregarded  entity,  not  the   Residences.  This rule applies when the prop-  of the gross assets consist of U.S. real property
         entity, is treated as the transferor of the property   erty  disposed  of  is  acquired  by  the  transferee   interests  and  90%  or  more  of  the  value  of  the
         transferred by the disregarded entity.  for use by the transferee as a residence. If the   gross assets consist of U.S. real property inter-
                                             amount  realized  on  such  disposition  does  not   ests  plus  any  cash  or  cash  equivalents,  the
         Transferee.  A  transferee  is  any  person,  for-  exceed  $300,000,  no  withholding  is  required.
         eign or domestic, that acquires a U.S. real prop-  Otherwise,  the  transferee  generally  must  with-
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