Page 186 - TaxAdviser_Jan_Apr23_Neat
P. 186


         Practical advice on current issues.

         Mo Bell-Jacobs, J.D.                 In This Department

                                              CREDITS AGAINST TAX            PRACTICE &
                                              Inflation Reduction Act of 2022:   PROCEDURES
                                              Prevailing wage and apprenticeship  Is a substitute for return a return?
                                              requirements; p. 7.            Understanding the statute of
                                                                             limitation for credits and refunds;
                                              EMPLOYEE BENEFITS &            p. 21.
                                              The new participant-linked     STATE & LOCAL TAXES
                                              emergency savings accounts under  PTE deduction: Timing issues for
                                              SECURE 2.0; p. 9.              accrual-method taxpayers; p. 23.

                                              ESTATES, TRUSTS & GIFTS        TAX ACCOUNTING
                                              Estate planning and income tax:    Assessing the need for a
                                              10 questions to consider; p. 11.  valuation allowance; p. 24.

                                              EXPENSES & DEDUCTIONS  Improve a business’s fixed-asset
                                              Determining compensation       management with technology;
                                              deductions in M&A transactions;    p. 26.
                                              p. 15.

                                              GROSS INCOME
                                              A primer on cancellation-of-debt
                                              income and exclusions; p. 17.

                                              PARTNERS &
         Contributors are members of or       Navigating partnership
         associated with RSM US LLP.          continuations; p. 19.

         For additional information about                                                                        IMAGE BY PIXEL_DREAMS/ISTOCK
         these items, contact the author(s)
         at the email address(es) listed at the
         end of each item.

         6  April 2023                                                                        The Tax Adviser
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