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into effect Jan. 29, 2023, 60 days after the
         Credits Against Tax              notice was published.                     The Inflation
                                            This item addresses and summarizes
         Inflation Reduction Act of       the prevailing wage and apprenticeship   Reduction Act is
         2022: Prevailing wage and        requirements of the Inflation Reduction   the United States’
         apprenticeship requirements      Act, to which credits the labor require-
         On Aug. 16, 2022, President Joe   ments apply, and taxpayer considerations   largest investment in
                                                                                    clean energy
         Biden signed into law the Inflation   related to the labor requirements.
         Reduction Act of 2022, P.L. 117-169.                                          to date.
         One of the act’s key changes relates   Background
         to project developers meeting certain   The Inflation Reduction Act is the United
         labor requirements for the project to   States’ largest investment in clean energy   ■   Alternative fuel vehicle refueling
         qualify for increased tax incentives.   to date. The act modified existing rules to   property credit (Sec. 30C);
         Specifically, under the act, taxpayers   create a regime of energy-related federal   ■   Electricity produced from certain
         can receive increased clean energy tax   tax incentives with base and bonus credit   renewable resources (Sec. 45);
         credit rates by meeting the prevailing   rates. Bonus credit rates are contingent   ■   New energy-efficient home credit
         wage and apprenticeship requirements   upon satisfying the labor requirements. As   (Sec. 45L) (prevailing wage require-
         (the labor requirements). The prevail-  Biden and others have stated, the policy   ments only);
         ing wage and apprenticeship require-  of the labor requirements is to create an   ■   Credit for carbon oxide sequestra-
         ments, by statute, apply to qualifying   increased number of higher-paying jobs   tion (Sec. 45Q); 
         facilities where construction begins 60   in the renewable energy project construc-  ■   Zero-emission nuclear power pro-
         days or more after Treasury and the   tion sector. In his Aug. 16, 2022, signing   duction credit (Sec. 45U) (prevailing
         IRS publish guidance on those spe-  ceremony, the president said the act would   wage requirements only);
         cific requirements.              “create tens of thousands of good-paying   ■   Credit for production of clean
           On Nov. 30, 2022, the IRS and   jobs and clean energy manufacturing jobs”   hydrogen (Sec. 45V);
         Treasury released Notice 2022-61,   and domestic facilities that will produce   ■   Clean electricity production credit
         providing guidance on the prevailing   renewable energy “all across America,   (Sec. 45Y);
         wage and apprenticeship requirements   every part of America.”      ■   Clean fuel production credit (Sec.
         and how to satisfy them. Pursuant to   The act’s prevailing wage and appren-  45Z);
         the notice, the prevailing wage and   ticeship requirements apply to the follow-  ■   Energy credit (Sec. 48);
         apprenticeship requirements went   ing credits and one deduction:   ■   Qualifying advanced energy project
                                                                               credit (Sec. 48C);
                                                                             ■   Clean electricity investment credit
                                                                               (Sec. 48E); and
                                                                             ■   Energy-efficient commercial build-
                                                                               ings deduction (Sec. 179D).
                                                                             The prevailing wage requirement
                                                                             The act’s prevailing wage provisions
                                                                             refer to the wage rates that must be
                                                                             paid to laborers and mechanics on the
                                                                             construction of renewable energy proj-
     IMAGE BY TATTYWELSHIE/GETTY IMAGES                                      paid by contractors to workers under the
                                                                             ects. A prevailing wage is a wage that
                                                                             the federal government requires to be

                                                                             Davis-Bacon Act of 1931, P.L. 71-798,
                                                                             as amended. The prevailing wage is an
                                                                             hourly wage plus overtime and benefits
                                                                             and is set by the U.S. Department of
                                                                             Labor based on the locality where the

                                                                                                  April 2023  7                                               construction, alteration, or repair is
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