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requirements are satisfied as needed.
         Imperatively, as explained in the notice,   PLESAs are intended to allow low- and
         taxpayers must keep records sufficient to
         establish that these labor requirements   middle-income employees to accumulate by
         have been met.                     payroll deduction easy-to-access funds that
           It is expected that Treasury will issue
         further guidance implementing these          they can use in an emergency.
         provisions. The notice alerts the public
         that Treasury and the IRS anticipate
         issuing proposed regulations with re-  of the SECURE 2.0 Act, and are effec-  the general terms of the plan (ERISA
         spect to the labor requirements, a sign   tive for plan years beginning after 2023.   §801(b)(2)).
         that more clarity is to come. As of this   PLESAs are intended to allow   A contribution cannot be credited to
         writing, uncertainties remained around   low- and middle-income employees to   the PLESA account if it would cause
         reporting requirements (e.g., new forms),  accumulate by payroll deduction easy-  the balance attributable to employee
         penalty provisions, the timeline for ap-  to-access funds that they can use in an   contributions to exceed the lesser of
         proval of proposed wage determinations,  emergency. Only non–highly compensated   $2,500 (as indexed for inflation after
         and more.                        employees as defined in Sec. 414(q) may   2024) or other amount designated by the
           From Eugene Boakye, J.D., LL.M.   contribute to a PLESA (Sec. 402A(e)(2)).   plan sponsor under Sec. 402A(e)(3). If
         (; Brent   Highly compensated employees include   any contributions cause a PLESA bal-
         Sabot, CPA, MST (Brent.Sabot@    employees with eligible compensation for   ance to exceed the maximum allowed; and Deborah Gordon, J.D.,   the lookback year of more than $150,000   amount, the participant may elect or
         LL.M. (,   in 2023 (indexed for inflation). Such   will be deemed to have increased the
         Washington, D.C.                 contributions must take the form of   contribution rate to another account in
                                          designated after-tax Roth contributions   the plan so that the excess is credited
                                          under Sec. 402A(e)(1)(A).          to that account (Sec. 402A(e)(3)(B)).
         Employee Benefits                   If an employee later becomes a highly   Otherwise, the excess amount will be
         & Pensions                       compensated employee, the employee   distributed to the participant.

                                          may not make further contributions   Under Sec. 402A(e)(4)(A), a plan
         The new participant-linked       to the account but retains the right to   may either offer to enroll participants in
         emergency savings accounts       withdraw any account balance under   a PLESA or automatically enroll them.
         under SECURE 2.0

         The SECURE 2.0 Act of 2022, enacted
         Dec. 29, 2022, as Division T of the Con-
         solidated Appropriations Act, 2023, P.L.
         117-328, creates a new “pension-linked
         emergency savings account” (PLESA).
         If adopted by a plan sponsor, a PLESA
         would allow non–highly compensated
         employees in Sec. 401(k), 403(b), or gov-
         ernmental 457(b) plans to make after-
         tax Roth contributions to a separate
         PLESA account and to draw on that
     IMAGE BY IVAN-BALVAN/GETTY IMAGES  expenses, such as an auto repair.
         account as frequently as monthly to pay
         unpredictable, short-term emergency

           The PLESA rules are found in
         Sections 801–804 of the Employee Re-
         tirement Income Security Act of 1974
         (ERISA), with corresponding provisions
         in Sec. 402A(e) of the Internal Revenue
         Code, both as amended by Section 127

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