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in-service withdrawals to narrow factual   account. In this respect, while partici-  ■   PLESAs would require yet another
         situations, requiring participants to attest  pant inertia under an automatic contri-  participant notice.
         to those facts, imposing age or frequency   bution feature may result in increased   While SECURE 2.0 does not require
         restrictions, and, in some cases, impos-  retirement savings, it may not be an   employers to offer PLESA accounts,
         ing the disincentive of a 10% penalty.   advantage with respect to automatic   plan sponsors who adopt them, in the
         By contrast, PLESAs do not require   PLESA contributions.           absence of Treasury regulations, have
         any particular facts or even any self-  PLESAs also have the potential to   little discretion over their operation. The
         certification by the participant establish-  increase administrative burdens and   act authorizes the Labor Department
         ing that an emergency exists. While Sec.   costs for plan sponsors in the follow-  and Treasury to issue and coordinate on
         402A(e)(5)(A)(i) requires a PLESA   ing ways:                       PLESA regulations and other guidance
         notice disclosure to state that “the pur-  ■   In a plan with an eligible automatic   as needed, such as expanding IRS cor-
         pose of the account … is for short-term   contribution arrangement applicable   rection programs to PLESA failures,
         emergency savings,” “emergency” is not   to the PLESA, a new, separate   providing model plan language and
         otherwise defined.                  PLESA account would have to be set   PLESA notices, and managing interac-
           So, what are PLESAs doing in      up for each plan participant who fails   tions between PLESAs and safe-harbor
         employer-provided retirement        to opt out.                     401(k) plans. The agencies are also
         plans? According to a Senate Finance   ■   PLESA withdrawals as frequently   charged with promulgating anti-abuse
         Committee summary of SECURE         as monthly might greatly increase   rules regarding the amount and timing
         2.0, almost half of all Americans would   the number of distributions that a   of employer contributions. Employers
         struggle to pay an unexpected $400   third-party administrator would have   may be wise to wait for such guidance
         expense. Many seek to cover even small   to administer in a year.   before implementing a PLESA feature.
         emergency expenses by tapping into   ■   The requirement to hold PLESA   The Labor Department and Treasury
         their retirement savings prior to retire-  contributions in cash, a savings   will be required to conduct a study and
         ment, for example, by taking a distribu-  deposit account, or CD may require   report to Congress on various PLESA
         tion from a prior employer’s retirement   new relationships with federally   issues, including whether the $2,500
         plan, upon termination of employment,   regulated financial institutions.   limit is sufficient; the extent to which
         or upon attaining age 59½. It is thought   ■   The prohibition on a minimum   plan sponsors voluntarily offer, and
         that easy access to PLESA funds may   PLESA balance may require employ-  low- and middle-income households
         indirectly prevent “leakage” from partici-  ers to pay for maintaining additional   voluntarily participate in, PLESA ac-
         pant retirement savings.            accounts for active employees with   counts; the effect of PLESAs on retire-
           Further, the liquidity of PLESA   very little money in them. The   ment savings plan “leakage”; minimizing
         funds may protect an employee from   mandatory cash-out rules applicable   the compliance and reporting burdens
         having to unexpectedly sell retirement   to terminated vested employees with   applicable to PLESAs; and providing
         account investments at a loss to cover   a vested accrued benefit of not more   rules for default investments. The report
         emergency expenses in a down market.   than $7,000 does not apply to the   is due not later than seven years after the
         The monthly access to PLESAs may    PLESAs of active participants.  date of enactment.
         also be useful during periods of high   ■   The crediting of matching contribu-  From Joni Andrioff, J.D. (Joni.Andrioff@
         inflation or unemployment by making   tions on PLESA contributions to a, Washington, D.C., and
         available small amounts several times a   non-PLESA account in the plan may   Christy Fillingame, CPA (Christy.Fillingame@
         year on an as-needed basis.         give rise to operational defects. The, Raleigh, N.C.
           However, the feasibility of PLESAs   deemed increase in the contribution
         remains to be seen. The adoption of a   percentage of a non-PLESA account
         PLESA feature may not be for every   if the $2,500 maximum PLESA    Estates, Trusts & Gifts
         employer. Because PLESAs must be    account balance is exceeded, and
         held in cash, in a savings account, or   the potential transfer of PLESAs to   Estate planning and income
         in CDs, participants who for whatever   another participant account in the   tax: 10 questions to consider
         reason fail to withdraw their after-tax   plan upon termination of employ-  It is important to consider the income
         money on account of an emergency    ment or the employer’s termination   tax ramifications of each decision
         may miss out on the greater investment   of the PLESA feature, may be prone   throughout the estate planning process
         earnings that the same contributions   to error and may unduly complicate   to avoid unintended consequences. After
         might have produced in another plan   nondiscrimination testing.    all, an individual’s death and the gifting

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