Page 107 - IRS Plan
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Initiative  4.8  Partner to expand insights

          The IRS will engage with external partners to develop new insights that generate value
          for taxpayers and policymakers

          Where we are heading                                  In so doing, they will be able to gain new insights
                                                                that inform policy and program priorities to improve
          Throughout the government, data reflects the          constituent services. The IRS will benefit from the
          realities of Americans’ lives: employment, family     development of innovative ways to address
          structures, benefits eligibility and uptake, and      tax administration challenges, enhanced rigor
          demographics. Safe, privacy-preserving statistical    in validating methods and findings, and continuous
          findings derived from tax data offer more insights    learning.
          into the well-being of our population and economy,
          which may help other government agencies design       Key projects
          and evaluate policies and programs that assist
          the whole population, including those who are         1. Establish strategic plans and document
          underserved or vulnerable. However, this can only        research priorities. Enhance accountability
          be achieved in an environment that ensures the           and transparency in research planning by
          highest level of protection to taxpayer information.     developing strategic plans and documenting
          We will leverage new technical and analytical            research priorities for agencies and
          methods to develop tools to meet this need.              departments.

                                                                2. Strengthen and create research
          We seek to increase and strengthen partnerships          partnerships. Foster research partnerships
          with government agencies and external                    to inform research, advance analytical methods,
          researchers to improve the rigor of our                  build employee skills and ensure the validity
          research and support evidence-based                      of findings.
          policymaking and program implementation
          throughout the government. The IRS has long           3. Develop new privacy-preserving analytic
          partnered with external academic partners in             methods. In partnership with privacy experts,
          foundational research, using advanced analytics          develop new, rigorous privacy-preserving
          and statistical techniques to solve complex tax          methods for sharing analytical insights while
          administration problems. That said, necessary            increasing the security of taxpayer information.
          restrictions on data-sharing can hinder our ability   4. Support government-wide program
          to generate insights from government agencies            evaluation and evidence-building.
          and data sources. However, new methods provide           Develop new capacity for using aggregated
          an opportunity to safely collaborate on issues           and anonymized information derived from tax
          that are important to taxpayers while preserving         data to inform policy and program decisions
          taxpayer privacy protections to generate insights        beyond the IRS.
          and advance research priorities that benefit the
          American people.

          What success would look like                                   FY 2023
                                                                    1    To support research and evidence-
          Success for this initiative would include the IRS              building, new statistical data incorporating
          and other government agencies benefiting from                  state-of-the-art privacy protections
          the ability to collaborate while providing state-              produced and publicly released
          of-the-art data protections.

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          Part II: Objectives and Initiatives
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