Page 110 - IRS Plan
P. 110
Part III
Part I Part II Obj 1 Obj 2 Obj 3 Obj 4 Obj 5 Part IV Part V
We will grow and develop our talent while operating more efficiently
Who does the work When and where we work How we work
Types of skills Schedules and locations Tools
Technologists, data scientists, Flexible policies to allow us Automation, integrated
technical tax experts and to compete for the best talent, systems, advanced analytics
specialists, customer service, including flexible schedules
project management and locations, while effectively Mindsets
meeting business needs Data-driven, cross-functional
Types of workers
collaboration, customer-first,
Full-time and part-time problem-solving
employees, independent
workers, temporary workers,
workers on rotation,
Visual is illustrative
Indicators of success
ü Increased proficiency across the workforce in ü Expanded opportunities for employee
critical skills, such as technology, data developmental opportunities, including
analytics, inclusive leadership, and knowledge increased training, internal and external
of tax administration rotational assignments, coaching and
ü Increased employee retention, engagement
and developmental opportunities ü Workforce composition that more closely
reflects the taxpayers we serve, including
ü Increased number of qualified applicants
and quality of hires an increased demographic representation
of historically underrepresented and
ü Increased headcount that reflects future mission underserved communities at each level
staffing requirements and segment of the IRS
ü Decreased time-to-hire ü Increased agility and flexibility, moving staff
to align with business needs
IRS IRA Strategic Operating Plan 103
Part II: Objectives and Initiatives