Page 139 - IRS Plan
P. 139
Stakeholders impacted
by the Strategic Operating Plan
The IRS cannot achieve effective tax The tax community
administration alone; we must include a broad
ecosystem of stakeholders. This Strategic Continued IRS partnership with tax professionals
Operating Plan has been developed with our and others in the tax community is critical to the
stakeholders’ needs and partnership in mind. success of this Plan. The IRS partners with state
Successfully implementing the strategy outlined tax administrations and with the tax industry—
in this Plan will rely on partnership with and including software makers, payroll providers and
continuous feedback from all those impacted. others—to address issues and optimize progress.
Some of these stakeholder groups are The IRS has a history of successful partnerships
described below. leveraging the knowledge and insight of the tax
community. The IRS also works closely with
groups formed by the Federal Advisory Committee
Taxpayers and tax professionals Act, the Internal Revenue Service Advisory
Council (IRSAC), the Treasury Tribal Advisory
This Plan outlines how the IRS will transform to Committee (TTAC), and the Electronic Tax
significantly improve service for the entire base of Administration Advisory Committee (ETAAC). The
American taxpayers. Within this Plan, taxpayers IRS will continue its strong relationship with the tax
are referred to broadly and include all people and community in these ways and will seek to enhance
groups whom we serve, including: services and experiences with the IRS to better
support taxpayers, tax professionals and the
• Individuals and families overall tax community.
• Businesses large and small
• Charities and other tax-exempt organizations Current and future IRS employees
• International taxpayers
This Plan outlines how IRS employees and leaders
• Federal, state, and local governments
should guide and prioritize their work based
• Tribal nations on the organization’s vision, and how we plan
to get there. This Plan also describes the
• Tax professionals and others who assist transformational objectives that affect the work
and serve taxpayers
environment, skills and capabilities, and pace
Within these groups, the IRS also recognizes that of change needed to transform the IRS workforce.
many populations have unique needs. We are For the National Treasury Employee Union
committed to strengthening our relationships with (NTEU), it outlines the IRS’s vision for the future
those we serve to better understand and respond workforce and opportunities for partnership
to their needs. The new services, resources and to ensure that the IRS is an employer of choice.
other initiatives outlined in this Plan will be
implemented with accessibility for all, including All IRS employees and business units will be
taxpayers with disabilities, those with limited involved in and impacted by this Plan, and all
English proficiency, and any other historically business units and employees stand to benefit
underserved and underrepresented communities. from improvements to systems, processes,
technology, data, governance, human capital
management, organizational structure and culture.
132 IRS IRA Strategic Operating Plan
Part III: Managing the Transformation