Page 140 - IRS Plan
P. 140
Part III
Part I Part II Obj 1 Obj 2 Obj 3 Obj 4 Obj 5 Part IV Part V
For example:
• Wage and Investment (WI), Small Government leaders and other
Business/Self-Employed (SB/SE), Large
Business and International (LBI), Tax Exempt oversight bodies
and Government Entities (TEGE), Criminal
Investigation (CI), the Independent Office of This Plan describes what the IRS aims to
Appeals, the Taxpayer Advocate Service (TAS), accomplish for the American people with the
the Return Preparer Office (RPO), the Taxpayer additional funding provided. It can be used to hold
Experience Office (TXO), the Office of the IRS accountable on delivering the progress we
Professional Responsibility (OPR) and the promise.
Whistleblower Office will lead, support and
benefit from initiatives to improve the ways in
which we serve customers, interact with those National, state, local, and other
who prepare returns, select cases that need organizations
compliance work, improve work processes and
enforce the tax laws. There is a wide variety of groups beyond the
• Information Technology (IT), Research, Applied immediate tax community who have an interest in
Analytics and Statistics (RAAS), Online the IRS’s transformation effort. These include
Services (OLS), Enterprise Digitalization, and charitable groups; small business organizations;
Enterprise Case Management (ECM) will lead community- and faith-based organizations; labor
and support the design and development of unions; climate, environmental, and other
cutting-edge data, analytics, systems and advocacy organizations; academic institutions and
technology to enable transformation researchers; tribal organizations; and many other
key partners. This Plan can be used as a
• The Human Capital Office (HCO), Equity, benchmark for success as well as a basis to
Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI), and Facilities, provide ongoing feedback on areas for growth.
Management, and Security Services (FMSS)
will lead and support improvements to make the
IRS a nimbler and more efficient organization
that attracts, develops and supports an
accessible, diverse and inclusive workforce
• The Office of Procurement and the Chief
Financial Officer (CFO) will lead and support
efforts to ensure the IRS appropriately plans
and documents the allocation of resources to
support the transformation.
• Privacy, Government Liaison, and Disclosure
(PGLD), the Office of the Chief Risk Officer
(OCRO), Communications and Liaison (C&L),
Change Management practitioners and the
Office of Chief Counsel will lead and support
efforts to ensure that our transformation process
engages and includes stakeholders in
transformation efforts, follows laws and
regulations meant to protect those stakeholders
and thoughtfully incorporates risk analysis and
risk mitigation.
IRS IRA Strategic Operating Plan 133
Part III: Managing the Transformation