Page 31 - Travel Guide Experience Alaska Edition
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The Festival is multi-discipline, offering classes in
      instrumental and vocal music, dance, theatre, opera
      theatre,  storytelling, healing  arts,  visual  arts  and
      figure skating. Registrants can choose from over 100
      classes held daily.  Registration is open to adults ages
      18 and older, experienced dance students 12 and older
      and skaters of any age.
        In addition to classes, the Festival offers a variety
      of performances  featuring  both  guest  artists  and
      registrants.   During the  two weeks of the  Festival,
      visitors to the Fairbanks area  can enjoy everything
      from  the  informal  “Lunch  Bites,”  cabaret  style
      performances  given each  day at  the  lunch hour, to
      more formal concerts.  For more information on the
      Fairbanks Summer  Arts Festival,  please visit  our
      website at or call us at (907) 474-8869.
        For  the  active  adventurer,  Fairbanks  also  offers   Running Reindeer Ranch
      flight seeing, rafting, boating, biking, ballooning and
      many more outdoor activities.        or enjoy a soothing dip in the local hot springs.   Prince Rupert, BC. Visitors can access Alaska—the
        Birdwatchers should be sure to visit the Alaska Bird       How to Get Here  Inside Passage, Southeast and Southwest, the Aleutian
      Observatory in Fairbanks.  This center for education   The  Fairbanks International  Airport is close  to   Islands and the Alaska Peninsula on the vessels of the
      and research hosts a nature center with bird watching   downtown  Fairbanks,  with shuttles, rental transfers   AMHS fleet. Passenger and vehicle capacity as well
      information, educational displays, and trail access to   and  bus service.    Alaska  Airlines  and  Northwest   as amenities such as  staterooms, food service and
      Creamer’s Field Migratory Waterfowl Refuge.    Airlines (during the summer) offer daily direct flights   observation lounges vary on each ship.  A popular trip
        Just north of Fairbanks on the Steese Highway   from Fairbanks and the Lower 48.  Several regional   for travelers is to continue north via motor home to
      near Fox, visitors can make close contact with an   and commuter  carriers provide  air  service  between   Denali.  For more information visit
      impressive portion of the Alyeska (or Trans-Alaska)   Fairbanks and numerous interior rural communities   ferry or refer to the Alaska Marine Highway section
      Pipeline as it passes near Fairbanks on its run from   as well as Anchorage and Canada.  of this travel guide.
      Prudhoe Bay to Valdez at a special pipeline display   The last full-service railroad in the United States,   Ground  shuttle service companies provide daily
      area.  Since  completion  in  1977, the  Pipeline  has   the  Alaska Railroad provides daily  summer and   scheduled  transportation  throughout  Alaska and
      transported  billions of  barrels of oil.  weekend winter service between Fairbanks and   the Yukon.  Statewide charter services can also be
        For the ultimate  in adventure, visit Fairbanks   Anchorage.  arranged.  Autos, trucks, vans and motor homes can
      between November and  April.  That’s  when you’ll   The  Alaska  Marine Highway System  has been   be rented at a number of convenient locations.  Rental
      experience  Fairbanks’ secret season: winter.  Watch   operating  year-round since  l963,  with  regularly   cars,  shuttles  and  taxis  are  available  in  addition  to
      the  Northern  Lights  weave  across the  starlit  skies,   scheduled passenger and vehicle service to over 30   the Fairbanks North Star Macs Borough Transit Bus
      zoom down a wooded trail behind a team of huskies   communities  in  Alaska, plus Bellingham,  WA and   System.

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