Page 35 - Travel Guide Experience Alaska Edition
P. 35

SOUTH CENTRAL ALASKA              Petersville Road                     National  Parks or south into  the  Matanuska Valley.
                                              Beginning  at Mile 114.8 of the George Parks   The highlight of an Alaskan vacation, awe inspiring
          This region is teeming with Gold Rush   Highway #3 at Trapper Creek, the 40-mile Petersville   air tours to Denali are provided by several local
        history  in  areas  like  Petersville  and   Road heads through rugged terrain  toward the   flight  services  based  at  the  state  airport  and  can
        Trapper Creek.  It is also home of the   Petersville  mine area.  The road winds through the   include glacier landings. Talkeetna also offers world
        “largests” with Anchorage, the largest   forested,  swampy  flats  of  the  Chulitna  basin  past   class fishing charters for salmon and trout, safe and
        city in the state and Denali (formerly   several  accommodating  roadhouses. Four-wheel   comfortable,  narrated naturalist  jet boat tours and
        Mount McKinley) , the largest mountain   drive is generally recommended after the first 10 to 20   exciting rafting on the local rivers.
        in  North  America.    Wrangell-St.  Elias   miles and the road is not plowed in winter, presenting   The  Walter  Harper  Talkeetna  Ranger  Station,
        National  Park  is  the  country’s  largest   ideal snowmobiling adventure. If you can get in as far   located 150 miles south of the Denali National Park
        national  park  and  rich  in  wildlife  and   as the mines, you’ll be a rugged hike away from the   entrance, offers informative programming during the
        towering mountain peaks.  Reaching the   Kahlitna Glacier and the remote southern reaches of   summer about the history of Denali. Climbers are
        coastline, Southcentral Alaska is where   Denali National Park.         required to attend an orientation here to obtain their
        the largest tidewater glacier, Columbia   Inquire at the Talkeetna Visitor Information Center or   permit before scaling the mountain, and  Talkeetna
        Glacier flows into the icy blue waters of   in Trapper Creek about conditions. Be sure to respect   is the staging area for the 1000 or so climbers who
        the Pacific between Whittier and Valdez.    all private property signs in the mining area.  attempt the ascent each year.
        This is also where more than half of the                                  Situated  at  the  confluence  of  three  wild  and
        state’s residents live.                                                 scenic  rivers,  the  Susitna,  Chulitna  and  Talkeetna,
                                                                                the village of Talkeetna dates to 1896 when a gold
                                           Talkeetna                            rush to the Susitna brought prospectors to the area,
      Kantishna                              Location:  At mile marker  99 on George   and it became the site for a riverboat steamer station
                                             Parks Highway #3, turn east on the Talkeetna
        Location:  90 miles inside Denali National Park   Spur Road  for  14  miles;  120  miles  north  of   by 1910. During construction of the railroad north to
                                                                                Nenana in 1916, the  population  peaked near 1000,
        & Preserve, past Wonder Lake on Moose Creek.  Anchorage; 240 miles south of Fairbanks.   then decreased following the 1918 flu epidemic and
                                             Population:  summer  800, winter  400.  Visitor   completion of the railroad. Talkeetna continued as a
        Situated within Denali National Park, Kantishna is   Information: Talkeetna Chamber of Commerce,   supply center for area miners until 1940 when many
      host to an old roadhouse that now acts as a tourist   PO Box 334,  Talkeetna,  AK 99676;  kiosk   of the  richest  mines petered  out.  The  railroad  still
      destination  within the park.   This area  was a gold   located next to the PO; Phone: (907) 414-0376;   runs through town today, and miners still work in the
      mining area from 1905-1944.  The recorder’s office   Website: Talkeetna   Peters Hills area.
      still stands as a reminder of past days of glory.  Take   Historical Society Museum; Phone: (907) 733-  The village  survived as gold prospectors, fur
      a tour to Kantishna Roadhouse for food, gold panning   2487.              traders, riverboat  pilots, aviation  pioneers, railroad
      and more.                                                                 workers and outdoor enthusiasts sought its services.
                                             Nestled at the base of Denali, the historic village   Historic  log buildings add to the  rustic  ambience
            GEORGE PARKS HWY 3 SOUTH       of  Talkeetna  enjoys  an  outstanding  panoramic   of  Talkeetna,  providing great photo opportunities.
                                           view of the Alaska Range and makes an excellent   Sample  espresso,  buffalo  burgers,  sourdough  hot
      Cantwell                             basecamp for exploring north into Denali State and   cakes or a mountain sized ice cream cone as you stroll
        Location:   Cantwell is located on the George
        Parks Highway #3 at the west end of the Denali
        Highway #8; 211 miles north of Anchorage and
        28 miles south of Denali National Park entrance.
        Population: 166
        Location:   Junction of Richardson Highway
        4 and the Denali Highway 8.  344 miles from
        Anchorage,  135 miles  from Cantwell,  179
        miles from Fairbanks, 186 miles from Valdez.
        Population: 33.

        Paxson is an excellent place to begin exploration
      of the many lakes, trails  and river systems in the
      area.  It is a bird watcher’s paradise, with more that
      140 species of birds in its locale.   In addition  to
      campgrounds,  the  traveler  will  find  lodges,  bed  &
      breakfasts and restaurants in the area.

       Trapper Creek
        Location: Mile 114.9 George Parks Hwy #3 at
        the junction with Petersville Road.
        Trapper Creek is the southern gateway to Denali
       National  Park  and  Preserve,  offering  spectacular
       views and year round services.

                AT TRAPPER CREEK
             JCT. GEORGE PARKS HWY 3
                & PETERSVILLE ROAD

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