Page 36 - Travel Guide Experience Alaska Edition
P. 36
Located on the Alaska Railroad main line that runs
between Anchorage and Fairbanks, Wasilla is about
45 miles north of Anchorage. Car access is via the
Parks Highway which also connects Anchorage and
Fairbanks. It is a thriving community located in a
region known for magnificent scenery and unlimited
opportunities for recreation. Surrounded by majestic
peaks of the Chugach mountains and Talkeetna
mountains, Wasilla is situated in the area between
Wasilla Lake and Lucille Lake.
Being the home of the Iditarod Headquarters (and
for many years the race’s restart location) is Wasilla’s
most notable claim to fame. Located at mile 2.2 of the
Knik-Goose Bay Road, the Headquarters features a
museum, gift shop, sled dog rides and video viewings.
Here you can learn the history of the 1,150-mile-long
Iditarod race, view trophies and photographs, meet
Mountains near Anchorage some sled dogs and even take a ride with them down
photo by: the trail. Experience the Iditarod by viewing the
TRAVEL GUIDE videos of actual footage along the trail.
through the enchanting and truly Alaskan town. Alaska, 99688; Phone: (907) 495-9000; Email: GEORGE PARKS HWY 3
Half of Talkeetna’s downtown buildings are on & FISHHOOK ROAD TO KNIK
the National Register of Historic Places. A free
Historical Walking Tour brochure/map is available at Willow is located in the heart of the scenic Susitna
the downtown log cabin visitor center and a number River Valley, an area of forested, gently rolling hills, Knik
of historic sites. The fascinating Talkeetna Historical renowned for supurb fishing. It is home to the Iditarod Location: 17 miles northeast of Anchorage on
Society Museum is primarily situated in the original Dog Sled Race headquarters and is the official “restart” the west bank of the Knik Arm of Cook Inlet;
1936 Little Red School House, and a Denali National of the race. In Wasilla, S. Knik-Goose Bay Road runs 14
Park ranger gives free twice-daily presentations on miles southwest to the old townsite. Population:
the museum grounds. approximately 270.
The Don Sheldon Community Arts Hangar hosts Houston
art openings, cinema viewings, film festivals, a Location: On George Parks Highway 3, 29 The town of Knik is beautifully situated amid
summer open-air market and theater productions. miles north of Anchorage between Willow and breath-taking mountains, tidal waters and Knik Lake.
Great music abounds and the town turns out each Wasilla. Population: 1200. Visitor Information: The original site was first inhabited by Athabaskan
Friday evening for free live music. Decorated Moose Houston Chamber of Commerce, 2708 N Natives. In 1900, Orville Herning arrived in Knik,
on the Loose begin appearing around town in May, Anthony Road, Houston, AK 99694; Phone: hired by the Klondike and Boston Company to open a
then join the 4th of July parade preceding the moose (907) 631-8085. Email: houstonakchamber@ trail to the Willow Creek Mining District. The Knik
art auction. Talkeetna celebrates its centennial in 2016; Visitor Center Phone: (907) 892- townsite is listed on the National Register of Historic
with exciting events over the July 4 long weekend. 6812; City Office Phone: (907) 892-6869. Places. Two buildings remain standing—the pool hall,
which is now the Knik Museum and the Bjorn cabin.
Today Knik is a checkpoint along the Iditarod Trail,
GEORGE PARKS HWY 3 SOUTH Houston is well known for superb fishing on the a center for breeding, training and racing Alaskan sled
Little Susitna River, which supports a large king
salmon run and one of the largest silver salmon runs dogs, and home of the Dog Mushers Hall of Fame.
Willow in the region. Very reasonable fishing charter services
Location: On George Parks Highway 3, Mile are available. Visitors will find inn lodging, cabins, Anchorage
60 to Mile 81; 26 miles west of Wasilla, 34 RV and tent camping on the river, restaurants and a On Cook Inlet, Glenn Hwy 1 and the Seward
miles west of Palmer and 64 miles northwest grocery store. Highway; 358 miles southwest of Fairbanks;
of Anchorage. Visitor Information: Willow 725 miles east of Whitehorse. Population:
Chamber of Commerce, PO Box 183, Willow, Big Lake 301,000. Visitor Information: Visit Anchorage:
Location: 60 miles north of Anchorage. 524 W. Fourth Avenue, Anchorage, AK 99501;
Phone: (907) 276-4118; Website: www.
Population: 3000. Visitor information: Big Log Cabin and Downtown
Lake Chamber of Commerce, PO Box 520067, Visitor Information Center: Fourth Avenue and
Big Lake, AK 99652; Phone: (907) 892-6109; F Street (open daily); (907) 257-2363.
Surrounded by some of the most spectacular
Big Lake, known as “Alaska’s Year-round wilderness in the United States, Anchorage is a first-
Playground,” is a tremendously popular recreational class destination, with all the amenities you’ve come
paradise just 60 driving miles or a 15-minute flight to expect. The city sits at the base of the Chugach
north of Anchorage. With a backdrop of Denali and Mountains along the coast of Cook Inlet and lies as
the Alaska and Talkeetna mountain ranges, this is a far west as the Hawaiian Islands and as far north as
photographer’s haven and a visitor’s dream. Helsinki yet it boasts a mild climate. Four mountain
ranges, (the Chugach, Alaska, Kenai and Talkeetna)
Wasilla and the warm Japanese Chugach current combine
to create pleasant year-round temperatures. Spring
Location: On George Parks Highway #3, through fall, Anchorage’s climate is similar to San
45 miles north of Anchorage. Population Francisco’s spring weather; winter comparisons
8,400. Visitor Information: Greater Wasilla usually remind visitors of ski resorts in the Rocky
Chamber of Commerce, 415 E. Railroad Ave, Mountains, Canada or Europe.
Wasilla, AK 99654; Phone: (907) 376-1299; The Ted Stevens Anchorage International Airport
Email: Iditarod serves as the primary port of entry into Alaska’s
Headquarters, 2100 S. Knik-Goose Bay Road, largest city. With hundreds of flights each day,
Wasilla, AK 99654; Phone: (907) 376-5155. reaching Anchorage via air is comfortable, convenient