Page 32 - Travel Guide Experience Alaska Edition
P. 32
The Lodge at Black Rapids established campgrounds only and free backcountry
Location: 38 miles south of Delta Junction at Mile GEORGE PARKS HWY 3 permits must be obtained from park headquarters.
227.4 on Richardson Hwy #4. TO DENALI NATIONAL PARK The interior of Denali National Park and Preserve is
accessed by a 92-mile gravel road. Only the first 15
Located in the heart of the Alaska Range and miles are paved and open to private vehicles, providing
accessible by highway or air, the Lodge at Black Denali National Park an opportunity to visit the Savage River day use area.
Rapids is a modern year-round “Alaska Luxury Comprised of two peaks, Denali is the tallest The entrance area is where you’ll find most of the
Lodge and Adventures” destination and also home to mountain in the world from base to summit, its amenities: Riley Creek Campground, Denali Park
the historic Rapids Roadhouse. The beautiful facility impressive north face rising some 20,000 feet above the Hotel and post office, mercantile, convenience store and
sits atop a bluff overlooking Black Rapids Glacier and broad plain below. Over 6 million acres of primitive showers. The railroad depot and Park Headquarters are
the Delta River in “Alaska’s Last Frontier.” wilderness area were set aside in 1917 to protect the also located nearby. The Alaska Railroad offers daily
The lodge is owned by the Hopper family, hands- abundant wildlife and majestic habitat of this sub-arctic service from Anchorage to Fairbanks, with a stop at
on owners who oversee many aspects of operation. ecosystem. As visitation increased and the narrow Denali between mid-May and mid-September. Located
They began construction on the new lodge in 2001 park road became a a safety issue, the need for public one mile up the road, the Visitor Center is open in the
with the idea of preserving a piece of Alaska’s pioneer transportation was recognized, so the bus system was summer. The Murie Science and Learning Center is
past with a commitment to recreating a tradition of established to limit road traffic while maximizing open all year to answer questions or help plan trips.
comfortable accommodation at the gateway to the opportunities to view wildlife. Although a bus ride into Located 1/4 mile north of the Park entrance on the
Alaskan wilderness. The two-story wood framed the park is a not-to-be-missed experience, possibilities Denali Rainbow Village RV Park Boardwalk at Mile
lodge is the essence of their imaginative plans using for a variety of adventures abound along the way. 238.6 Parks Hwy, Denali ATV Tours can provide
local timber and showcasing Alaskan artists’ works In addition to handling campground and tour bus visitors with an exciting ride through the boreal forest.
displayed throughout the lodge. reservations, the National Park Service concessionaire Maneuver quickly through the taiga to picturesque
The lodge provides fantastic year-round offers shuttle bus service into the park. This system panoramas of the Alaska Range. Observe glacial
adventures, exquisite gourmet meals, abundant provides access to backcountry units, campgrounds, moraines and historic archeological dig sites while
wildlife and glorious northern lights exhibits set amid day hiking areas and interpretive activities. The navigating challenging trails, mountain-fed creek beds
healing peace and quiet. It is a place of transformation, drivers make stops to view wildlife and are helpful and and tundra, stopping for photography, wildlife and
renewal and easy hospitality. The backyard provides informative. This is an efficient, workable program complimentary snacks. Tackle the terrain in a single-
access to waterfalls, mini-grand canyons, wildlife, that gives you several options for seeing the park. You rider ATV or share the thrill in a multi-passenger side-
mountains and great winter skiing/snowshoeing. may simply ride out and back or you may elect to get by-side ATV. Choose from a variety of tour lengths and
The front yard opens to wild rivers, glaciers, more off at some point along the road, spend some time locales, or enjoy 100-mile Jeep tours down the Denali
mountain trails and “the real Alaskan wilderness.” hiking and return later in the day. When planning your Highway.
Enjoy a hike or a river walk, or simply absorb the trip, allow plenty of time to catch a returning bus. Fees Also located in the Denali ATV Tours office, Denali
beauty of Alaska relaxing on the spacious deck. for shuttle and tour buses vary according to length of Park Zipline is the only zipline adventure in the area
Accommodations include eight private, ensuite trip and participants’ age. There are six campgrounds and offers an innovative, absolutely hands-free 3-hour
guest rooms, each uniquely designed and decorated inside the park boundaries. Some are motor home tour above the boreal forest and tundra with 360 degree
with luxury comforts, ensuring an excellent deep sleep accessible while others are tent camping only. views of the Alaska Range. At the north end of Rainbow
for every guest. The lodge also hosts all special events The Park is open all year but not all entries Village RV Park, Denali Raft Adventures provides top-
including celebrations, conferences and retreats. are accessible in winter. Camping is permitted in notch scenic rafting and whitewater memories.