Page 34 - Travel Guide Experience Alaska Edition
P. 34

Antarctica and include more than 150 different species.
                                                                                Caribou, grizzly bears, wolves, brown bear and Dall
                                                                                sheep are some of the larger animals.
                                                                                  Information and permits for backcountry camping
                                                                                are available at the  Visitor Center, located one mile
                                                                                up  the  park  road.  Contact:  Superintendent’s  Office,
                                                                                PO Box 9, Denali Park, AK 99755; Phone: (907) 683-
                                                                                1266 or 1267; Headquarters Phone: (907) 683-2294.
                                                                                Walter Harper Talkeetna Ranger Station, PO Box 588
                                                                                Talkeetna, AK 99676; Phone: (907) 733-2231; Email:
                                                                      ; for reservations for camping
                                                                                and shuttle transportation, call 800-622-7275.
                                                                                  DENALI PARK ACTIVITIES
                                                                                  While summer is the most popular time to visit
                                                                                Denali, winter offers many recreation and sightseeing
                                                                                opportunities also. Summer  Activities include  •Day
                                                                                Hiking  •Backpacking  •Cycling  •Camping  •Nature
                                                                                Walks  •Mountaineering  •Sled  Dog  Kennel  Visit
                                                                                •Ranger  Programs  •Photography  •ATV  Tours  •Jeep
                                                             Bull Moose, Denali National Park  Tours  •Ziplining  •Whitewater and Scenic Rafting
                                                                                  Winter  Activities  include  •Cross-Country
                                                                                Skiing  •Dog  Mushing  •Snowshoeing  •Photography
        There are three free courtesy bus routes available   orientation  prior to their  expedition  departure.  All   •Snowmobiling
      in the park’s entrance area to facilitate travel between   other backcountry users should register and attend the   Denali is a true wilderness and visitors need to be
      visitor facilities, campgrounds and day use areas.   briefing.            prepared with appropriate clothing, food, first aid kit,
      Visitors may also take tours of varying length deeper   Ranger led Discovery Hikes are a great way to   bear spray and awareness. Cell phone coverage ends
      into  the  Park.  Some  tours  require  an  overnight  stay   explore the heart of Denali. These adventures range   three miles into the Park, so be prepared to self-rescue
      while others are day trips with lunch provided.   from moderate to strenuous. Plan on hiking for 3-5   in remote areas. Read the safety information in the park
        Fishing is permitted in the Park without licenses.   hours,  and  a  return  bus  trip  time  of  2-8  hours. You   newspaper. Grizzly bears and moose are dangerous.
      Due to heavy glacial silt deposits however, the fishing   may sign up 1-2 days in advance for Discovery Hikes   Crossing glacial rivers is treacherous and the potential
      isn’t considered as good as it is in other parts of Alaska.   at the Visitors Center and purchase your ticket at the   for hypothermia is always a factor in the sub arctic.
      Sled dog demonstrations are held at the Park kennels   same time. You can also sign up for a ranger led easy-  Admission to the park is $10 per person if 16 and
      daily  during  the  summer.    Dog  sled  excursions  are   to-moderate evening hike as they interpret anything   older; annual passes are $40 and cover 4 adults. Pets
      available when there is sufficient snow.   from early park history to wild edible plants to animal   are permitted only if they are leashed or physically
        If you plan to climb Denali or Mt. Foraker, you are   tracking.         restrained. They are not permitted on the trails or in the
      required  to  register  and  pay  for  a  permit.  Climbers   Wildlife is prolific in the park. Birds migrate from as   backcountry.  For reservations for camping and shuttle
      must check in at the Talkeetna Ranger Station for an   far away as Asia, South America, Australia, Hawaii and   transportation, call 800-622-7275.

          -ZIPLINE TOURS
          -DOG SLED TOURS
          -RAFT TRIPS

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