Page 158 - Chayei Adam LAYOUT sivan 5782
P. 158
Chayei Adam - K’lal 144 - Laws of Erev Yom Kippur
night, but on the night of Yom Kippur one cannot eat and the korban will become
posul. It therefore appears to me that one shouldn’t say the parshios of korbanos
on erev Yom Kippur. He can, however, say the parsha of the olah since it isn’t
eaten. 14
]4[ It has already become a widespread custom to do kaparos on erev Yom
Kippur. This is done by taking a male chicken for a man and a female [one] for
a woman. For a pregnant woman, two are taken, i.e. a male chicken in case the
fetus is a boy, and a female chicken; for even if the baby is a girl, both [she and
her mother] will achieve atonement together. Even two people can combine
together for the same kaparah. [However,] some take two female chickens and
one male for a pregnant woman. However, although many great ge’onim
record this custom, nevertheless, many have come under the impression that
achieving atonement on Yom Kippur depends on it. They almost equate kaparos
with eating matza on Pesach, thinking that without the chicken for kaparos it is
impossible to achieve atonement. Because of this, they come to eating neveilah,
as the pressure on the shochtim in the large cities [is great] as they stay awake all
םדו רשב
13. See Rema, O.C. 52:10, that it is for a Shulchan Aruch rules in accordance with the
similar reason that mizmor l’todah is omitted Ramban and prohibits it, the prevalent custom
erev Pesach and throughout Pesach. (Since by of the Sefardim is to follow the
definition, a korban Pesach is chametz.) recommendation of the Arizal to observe the
custom of kaparos, . (See Kaf Hachayim) The
14. The Pri Megadim (Eishel Avraham Rema notes that the Ashkenazi custom is also
51:11) cites this in the name of the Tevuas
Shor, and the Mishna Berura rules accordingly, in line with the majority of rishonim who
permit it, and the poskim echo his opinion,
citing both, as sources.
strengthening it with the words of the Arizal
15. The rishonim record the custom of and Shelah who were very particular to
kaparos on erev Yom Kippur and testify that observe it.
this custom was widespread. (Tur citing the
Mordechai, Rashba, and others) The Ramban 16. The poskim explain that traditionally a
however takes issue with the custom, asserting chicken was used for kaparos as opposed to
that it is in violation of pursuing superstitious another animal because it was common, and
practices (‘darkei ha’Emori’). Although the more affordable for the masses. Wealthy