Page 162 - Chayei Adam LAYOUT sivan 5782
P. 162
Chayei Adam - K’lal 144 - Laws of Erev Yom Kippur
shouldn’t say anything. The custom is to discard their insides because they are
sustained from stolen food and the digestive system is the first to benefit.
Therefore, we avoid eating them so that we should distance ourselves from
theft. 25
]5[ Although a person is obligated to repent every day and certainly during
the [entire] aseres yemei teshuva, on erev Yom Kippur, the obligation is so much
greater that a person should spend his entire day involved in teshuva. [This is] in
fulfillment of “for on this day …. you shall purify yourselves before Hashem”. The
meaning of this is that [while] on Rosh Hashana, Hashem doesn’t judge by
Himself, but rather while sitting on the Heavenly tribunal, on Yom Kippur,
Hakadosh Boruch Hu sits in judgement and judges by Himself. As such, a person
must realize that it is Hashem Who purifies him. Therefore, a person should see to
it that he should repair anything he had done wrong, whether between himself
and Hashem, and certainly between him and his fellow man. [Including] any form
of theft, ona’ah, anything financial, and ona’as devarim. This is because Yom
Kippur does not atone for transgressions against other people unless he first
appeases the person he wronged. If he does not forgive him, he should go back
a second or third time, and each time, he should take two or three people along
with him. If after three times he doesn’t forgive him, he has fulfilled his
obligation and need not pursue the matter further unless he wants to go beyond
that which he is obligated to do. All he needs to do is assemble ten men and
םדו רשב
25. It seems that even in the times of the Hashem should treat us with mercy as well.
gemara it was the custom to discard the livers
and intestines of chickens slaughtered on erev 26. Vayikra 16:30. Meaning, that while
Yom Kippur. (Chulin 95b. Taz) The Chayei one should not delay repenting or making
Adam explains that people would discard reparations for his misdeeds (see about in
these parts so as not to benefit from the food hilchos Erev Rosh Hashana 138:1), one should
stolen by the chickens. See also Taz who become more introspective during the days of
writes that people would place the internal Elul and aseres yemei teshuva as they are days
organs on their rooftops as a way of treating of judgement. Although by the time Yom
Hashem’s creations with mercy so that Kippur comes, one should be well advanced in