Page 166 - Chayei Adam LAYOUT sivan 5782
P. 166
Chayei Adam - K’lal 144 - Laws of Erev Yom Kippur
]6[ If someone has money in his possession which someone else has a claim
to, he should inform him, even if the other party isn’t aware of it at all. At the very
least, he should present the matter to a rav completely and truthfully, and ask him
what to do. Otherwise he is like tricking Hashem. The rule is that when it comes
to any monetary matter, a person should not rely on his own ruling, because the
yetzer hara has a long list of leniencies. Rather, he should ask a rav what to do
and he will show him the correct path according to the Torah, so that he isn’t
holding another person’s money unrightfully.
]7[ It is a mitzva to immerse [in a mikva] on erev Yom Kippur even if he is
pure from tumah associated with an emission, and certainly, if he has had marital
relations, so that he will be clean and pure for the holy day. Still, no beracha is
recited when immersing. The main time to immerse is after chatzos, but one
who wants to immerse earlier shouldn’t do so before five hours into the day
which is an hour before chatzos. Those who say vidui in the mikva are only
fulfilling a custom. If a person is overly sensitive and cannot go to the mikva, he
should have nine kav of water poured over him which is approximately fifteen
Polish quarts. [The water] can be poured from three containers provided they
םדו רשב
37. Whether the issue is that he doesn’t 39. Since immersing is in order to purify
know how to contact the owner or doesn’t one from tumah, immersing once is sufficient.
have a way to send it, or if he owes money for (Rema) Others, however explain that
a loan or damages but doesn’t have the funds immersing on erev Yom Kippur is a part of
to pay, he should not just ignore the situation teshuva, and one should therefore immerse
but seek guidance from a Torah authority. three times. (See Taz and Magen Avraham.)
40. Although a minority opinion (Rav
38. See above K’lal 138 siman 5 and Sadyah Gaon) writes that a beracha is recited,
corresponding notes there regarding all other authorities disagree since the
immersing on erev Rosh Hashana. Although requirement to immerse on erev Yom Kippur is
not an absolute requirement, on erev Yom not absolute and is no stronger than the
Kippur the obligation to immerse is even custom of hoshanos (see below k’lal 153:3).
greater, so that we should be clean and pure Moreover, even if Chazal’s directive to purify
like angels. (Tur) ourselves is to be viewed as a bona fide