Page 175 - Chayei Adam LAYOUT sivan 5782
P. 175
םדא םירופכה םוי ברע ןיד - ד “ מק ללכ ייח
אֹובָּי אּ ֶ ׁש י ֵד ְּכ ,ם ָּ ׁש בֵכֹו ּ ׁש ֶ ׁש ר ֶד ֶח ְּב קיִל ְּדַיו ְּ 61 .תֹורֵנ ןי ִקיִל ְּד ַמ ,יא ַדַו םֹוי דֹועב ְּּ ]די[
,םי ִרּו ּפ ִכ ַה םֹוי ְּב רֵּנ ַה לַע ןי ִכ ְּרָּב ְּמ ןי ֵא ֶ ׁש םי ִר ְּמֹוא ׁשֵּי ֶ ׁש י ִּפ לַע ףאו ַ ְּ 61 . ׁשי ִמ ְּ ׁש ַּת י ֵדיִל
ל ָּח םאו ִ ְּ 62 .םי ִרּו ּפ ִכ ַה םֹוי ל ֶ ׁש רֵנ קיִל ְּד ַהְּל ןי ִכ ְּרָּב ְּּמ ֶ ׁש טּו ׁשָּ ּפ ַה ג ָּהְּנ ִּמ ַה םֹוק ָּמ לָּּכ ִמ
םַגו ְּ 6 3 םי ִרּו ּפ ִכ ַה םֹוי ל ֶ ׁש ְּו תָּּב ַ ׁש ל ֶ ׁש רֵנ קיִל ְּד ַהְּל ןי ִכ ְּרָּב ְּּמ ֶ ׁש א ָּטי ִ ׁש ְּּפ ,תָּּב ַ ׁש ְּב
:ת ֶסֶנ ְּכ ַה תיֵב ְּב ּוני ֱח ֶה ֶ ׁש ך ֵרָּבְּי אל ז ָּא םָּנ ְּמאו ָּ ְּ 64 ,ּונָּי ֱח ֶה ֶ ׁש
61 ,"דָּּבֻכ ְּמ 'ה ׁשֹוד ְּקִל" ]גי,חנ היעשי[ בי ִת ְּכ ִד ,תֹוּי ִסֵנ ְּכ י ֵּתָּב ְּב תֹורֵנ תֹו ּב ְּר ַהְּל הָּו ְּצמ ִ ]וט[
.הָּּי ִקְּנ תּוס ְּכּו תֹורֵנ ְּב ֹוד ְּבַכְּל הָּו ְּצ ִמ ,הָּּי ִת ְּ ׁשּו הָּלי ִכֲא ֹו ּב ןי ֵא ֶ ׁש םי ִרּו ּפ ִכ ַה םֹוי הֶז
ל ֶ ׁש הָּוֲע ַ ּ ׁש ִמ ה ֶשֲעַי אלו( ְּ 66 ֹותיֵבְּל הָּוֲע ַ ׁש ל ֶ ׁש רֵנ ה ֶשֹוע תִיַּב ַה לַעַּב לָּּכ ֶ ׁש ּונ ֵתָּני ִד ְּמ ִב ןיִגֲהֹונ ְּו
םדו רשב
the Mishna Berura writes that a community 119a) understands this posuk to refer to Yom
that does not have an established minhag, Kippur. Although honoring Shabbos or yom tov
should light without a beracha. See however is usually accomplished with food and drink,
the Shulchan Aruch HaRav who disagrees. on Yom Kippur it is accomplished by wearing
clean clothing. However, another posuk
63. See however Beis Yosef and Biur (Yeshaya 24:15) says “therefore, honor
HaGra that those who understand that no Hashem with lights”, teaching that lighting
beracha is recited when Yom Kippur is on a candles is also considered an honor (Tur). The
weekday (see previous note) maintain that the Kol Bo adds two practical reasons for lighting
same is true even when it is Shabbos. many candles in shul: First, since most people
aren’t familiar with the liturgy, the shul should
64. In following with the prevalent custom be well lit so that people can easily see their
that women recite shehecheyanu when machzorim. Additionally, since havdala on
lighting yom tov candles. (Instead of waiting motzei Yom Kippur includes a candle which
until kiddush. This custom is the subject of burned over yom tov (see below 145:40),
much discussion. See for example Mateh lighting many candles would facilitate this.
Efraim, Sheilas Yaavetz, Mishna Berura and
Aruch Hashulchan.) A woman who said 66. Chayei Adam’s note: But he
shehecheyanu when lighting should not do so shouldn’t make it from the wax of houses of
with the tzibur in shul as it is an unnecessary idol worship as these are disgusting.
repetition and her second beracha is in vain. Meaning even if it is not prohibited
since the wax was only used to illuminate and
65. Yeshaya 58:13. The gemara (Shabbos not in the service of idols, it is still considered