Page 184 - Chayei Adam LAYOUT sivan 5782
P. 184
Chayei Adam - K’lal 145 - Laws of Yom Kippur
]1[ The night of Yom Kippur is like Yom Kippur day in every respect. We have
already mentioned that one must add to the holy day from the weekday, and
certainly, bein ha’shemashos is forbidden, because it is a doubt of a case of
kareis. Therefore, while it is still day, one should go to shul wearing clean white
cloths and wrap himself in his tallis while it is still daytime so he can say a beracha
on it, because we don’t say a beracha on tzitzis at night, as we have explained in
hilchos tzitzis. Nevertheless, if he didn’t put [his tallis on] during the day, he
should wear it at night without a beracha. 4
]2[ [The following] things are forbidden on Yom Kippur: eating, drinking,
bathing, anointing, wearing shoes and marital relations. Although according to
many poskim, they are all forbidden by Torah law, as it says “you shall afflict
yourselves”, and we find that all of these are referred to by pesukim as affliction,
nevertheless, everyone holds that the only liability for kareis is for eating and
drinking, and everyone holds that the Chachamim were given the authority to
permit [things] as they saw fit.
םדו רשב
1. In contradistinction to other fasts, exempt. Accordingly, one who wears a tallis at
Yom Kippur begins at sunset the night before night must ensure that the tzitzis are indeed
with regards to fasting, the other afflictions, kosher, but does not make a beracha on it.
and prohibited melachos, as the posuk says Because of this, the Rema (O.C. 18:1)
“from the evening until the evening” (Vayikra encourages people to ensure that they put on
23:27) א their tallis before sunset on erev Yom Kippur. ב
2. See above 144:12 4. As a rule, we try to avoid omitting the
beracha made in conjunction with any mitzva,
3. See there (vol. 1, K’lal 11, siman 3) and as the beracha infuses the mitzva with kedusha
Shulchan Aruch (O.C. 18) that tzitzis is a and is to some extent, an integral part of it.
daytime mitzva, and the rishonim dispute the Nevertheless, one who is for whatever reason
status of a daytime garment (such as a tallis) unable to recite a beracha, should fulfill the
worn at night; according to some rishonim mitzva anyway.
(Rosh and others) one must attach tzitzis, but
according to the Rambam, such a garment is 5. Chayei Adam’s note: See Nedarim