Page 398 - Chayei Adam LAYOUT sivan 5782
P. 398
Chayei Adam - K’lal 149 - Pesulim of Daled Minim & Pesulim of the Lulav
and is considered as if it was removed and is not ‘hadar’. This is in accordance
with the opinion of most authorities. However some are more stringent [and say
that] even if one of the upper leaves was only split a little bit it is also posul, since
[by shaking it] during the na’anu’im it will end up splitting completely, and
anything that is liable to split is considered [already] split. One should be
stringent if possible. This is all true if it is split in a way that it doesn’t appear split,
but if the cracks separate from each other in a way that it is clearly visible, this is
called cracked like a ‘hindik’. [This is true] even if the upper leaf wasn’t split, but
the leaves near the top leaf were split even a little bit, it is posul, and certainly if
it is split down to the spine ‘like a hindik’. 53
םדו רשב
49. The gemara (Succah 32a) teaches that case where the leaf becomes detached on the
if the ‘teyomes’ splits, it is considered as if it is side which it is otherwise connected. הל
missing and is therefore posul. Rashi explains Although according to some (Rif and
that there are two leaves that grow out of the Rambam) this applies to all the leaves of the
lulav’s spine, that are naturally attached. If lulav in that if most of these double-bladed
these two leaves split, it is posul. Many leaves become separated along most of their
rishonim understand Rashi as referring to two lengths, it is posul, others understand that the
separate leaves which grow attached and are gemara only refers to the middle leaf.
bothered by the fact that most lulavim don’t According to some (Rashi in Bava Kama,
grow with two middle leaves. Some offer that Terumas Hadeshen) it is only invalidated if it
the gemara only means that if a lulav grew splits all the way down into the lulav’s spine.
with two leaves connected to each other and However, others understand that it is rendered
then separated, then it is posul, (see Rosh) but posul if it splits most of the way down,
if the two leaves were never connected it is (Geonim) or even just a little bit (Ran). While
kosher. (Many poskim, however, disqualify a the Shulchan Aruch rules like the Rif and
lulav which has two such leaves, and therefore Rambam, the Rema identifies the teyomes as
many recommend avoiding using such a the middle leaf alone, adding that ideally one
lulav. ) (However, most rishonim understand should avoid using a lulav whose teyomes is
that every leaf of the lulav consists of two split at all, in line with the opinion of the Ran.
blades which are connected on one edge, but Although the Ritva also expresses a similar
not on the other. A split teyomes refers to a opinion (lest it split more when shaking the