Page 53 - Chayei Adam LAYOUT sivan 5782
P. 53
םדא רפושה ןיד - מ “ ק ללכ ייח
רבדמב[ ר ַמֱאֶּנ ֶ ׁש ,הָּנ ָּ ּ ׁש ַה ׁשאר ְּב רָּפֹו ּ ׁש ַה תַעּור ְּת ַעמ ְּ ׁשִל ה ָּרֹו ּת ַה ן ִמ ה ֵשֲע תַו ְּצמ ִ ]א[
יַני ִּס ִמ ה ֶ ׁשמְּל הָּכָּלֲה ]ב,גל הנשה שאר[ ל"ַז ֲח ּול ְּב ִק ְּו ,"םֶכָּל הֶי ְּהִי הָּעּור ְּת םֹוי" ]א,טכ
רָּפֹו ׁש ת ַרָּבֲע ַה ְּו" ]ט,הכ ארקיו[ לֵבֹוי ל ֶ ׁש םי ִרּו ּפ ִכ ַה םֹוי ְּב בי ִת ְּכ ִד ִמ הָּו ָּ ׁש ה ָּרֵזְּּג ןַני ִפְּלָּי ְּד
3 :רָּפֹו ׁש ְּב הָּנ ָּ ּ ׁש ַה ׁשאר ְּב ף ַא ,רָּפֹו ׁש ְּב ם ָּת ָּה ה ַמ ,"הָּעּור ְּת
לָּּכ אל ְּו .לּול ָּח ֶה רָּב ָּד ר ַמֹול הָּצ ָּר ,ת ֶרֶפֹופ ְּ ׁש ןֹו ׁשְּל אּוה ֶ ׁש ל"ַז ֲח ּול ְּב ִק ,רָּפֹוש ׁ ]ב[
ן ֵה ןֵּכ ֶ ׁש ,ןיִלּולֲח ַה הָּּי ַח ְּו ה ָּמ ֵה ְּב ל ֶ ׁש ן ֶר ֶק א ָּק ְּו ַד אָּּ ל ֶא ,רָּפֹו ׁש א ָּרקִנ ְּ 4 לּול ָּח ֶה רָּב ָּד
אּוה לּול ָּח ֶה םֶצ ֶע ָּה הֶז ְּו ,לּול ָּח םֶצ ֶע ַעּוק ָּּת ויָּלָּע ְּו ֹו ׁשאר ֵמ ד ָּח ֶא םֶצ ֶע אֵצֹוּי ֶ ׁש ןָּע ְּב ִט ְּב
רי ִכְּז ַהְּל י ֵד ְּכ ,לִי ַא ל ֶ ׁש ן ֶר ֶק ְּב ַעֹק ְּתִל ר ָּח ְּב ֻּמ ַה ן ִמ הָּו ְּצ ִמ הָּּ ל ִח ְּתַכְּלּו . 1 רָּפֹו ׁש א ָּר ְּקִנ
ֹובָּבְּל ףֹ ּפ ְּכִי ד ָּח ֶא לָּּכ ֶ ׁש ז ֵּמ ַרְּל ,ןי ִפּופ ְּכ ִב הָּו ְּצ ִמּו .ףּופָּּכ אּוה ֶ ׁש דֹוע ְּו ,ק ָּח ְּצִי ת ַד ֵקֲע
םאו ִ ְּ 7 .ףּופָּּכ אּוה ֶ ׁש ר ֵח ַא ןי ִמ ל ֶ ׁש ְּב ע ַק ְּתִי ,לִי ַא ל ֶ ׁש אָּצ ָּמ אל ם ִא ּוהימּו ִ 6 ,הָּבּו ׁש ְּת ִב
םדו רשב
bending our hearts in prayer, although the according to his understanding, one should
Chayei Adam and others explain that it means ideally use a bent shofar, while using one from
that we should bend our hearts in teshuva. a ram is a hidur mitzva. B’dieved, all others are
The Tur goes on to write that there are three acceptable, however, he understands that a
categories of shofar: (1) a shofar made of a shofar from any sheep is reminiscent of the
cow’s horn, which is not valid at all; (2) any akeida, as we see from that which the
other kosher animal, even if its horns are Shulchan Aruch (O.C. 583:2) says to eat the
straight, although bent horns are preferable; head of a lamb on the night of Rosh Hashana
(3) a ram’s horn is a mitzva min ha’muvchar to recall the akeida.
(preferred) as it is reminiscent of the akeida. However, the Rambam takes an entirely
Others (Rosh, Ramban, Ran) however, list different approach and writes that only the
three categories of a valid shofar where: (1) a horn of a sheep may be used for shofar. While
straight shofar is kosher, but (2) it is better to many question his source, the Ran explains as
use a bent one regardless of the species, but follows: In a mishna (Rosh Hashana 26b) the
(3) using a ram’s horn is the best way to fulfill first opinion teaches that one should blow a
the mitzva. straight horn of a mountain goat, and R’
The Shulchan Aruch writes that the mitzva Yehuda disagrees and says that while this is
of shofar is to use a bent ram’s horn but good for the shofar sounded on Yom Kippur of
b’dieved others are acceptable. The Taz the Yovel, the shofar of Rosh Hashana should
however takes issue with his wording since, be that of a male sheep. From the gemara, it