Page 56 - Chayei Adam LAYOUT sivan 5782
P. 56

Chayei Adam - K’lal 140 - The Laws of the Shofar

              their  widest  point.  This  is  so  that  the  one  blowing  it  will  be  able  to  hold  it
              between his four fingers and a little will be visible [protruding] from either side, so
              that people won’t say he is just blowing into his hand.  13

              ]4[    If one didn’t remove the inner bone meaning the bone which protrudes
              out of the animal's head and fills the hollow part of the horn, [then] one must
              remove the inner bone. If he didn’t remove it but rather left it inside and drilled a
              hole through it and then blew it, he fulfills his obligation, because the sound of
              the  shofar  was  heard.  The  presence  of  the  bone  is  not  deemed  a  chatzitza,
              because a like species is not considered an  chatzitza.  If however, he removed
              the inner bone and drilled a hole in it, he does not fulfill his obligation, as this
              bone is not called a shofar.  Some say that if the bone was removed and a hole
              was drilled in it and then returned to the outer shofar, it is posul. 17

              ]5[    If one turned the shofar  inside out like a shirt, or widened the smaller end
              and narrowed the wide one, or even if he didn’t [modify it] and just placed his

                                                        םדו רשב
              fingers slightly spread apart. The Tur however   14.   Another   object   which   interferes
              disagrees and  maintains that a regular  tefach   between  the  shofar  and  the  air  being  blown
              is  sufficient.  With  the  exception  of  the  Ritva    through it, is considered a chatzitza and is not
              who maintains otherwise, this measurement is   valid, as is evident from siman 7, below, where
              absolute  (and  not  relative)  and  a  giant  may   blowing through two shofars, one stuck inside
              also blow such a shofar even though it will be   the other, is invalid.
              completely concealed in his closed fist. While
              some  rishonim  understand  that  this  is  the   15.   The gemara (Rosh Hashana 27b) rules
              minimum  size  of  a  shofar  as  required  by  the   that  it  is  kosher,  and  although  parts  of  the
              Torah, the Rosh understands that it is only by   inner bone remain attached on the inside, the
              rabbinic  decree.   It  is  worth  mentioning  that   shofar is nevertheless kosher as is because it is
              the  Rabeinu  Gershom  (Chulin  89a)  maintains   the same species as the shofar itself and is not
              that a shofar must measure three tefachim, so   a  chatzitza  between  the  shofar  and  the  air
              that  a  tefach  will  protrude  from  both  ends   passing  through  it.  According  to  the  Talmud
              when  held  in  his  closed  fist.  Although  the   Yerushalmi, such shofars were used by the beis
              poskim don’t mention this, the Mishna  Berura   din in Yavneh and in Ein Tav, and may be used
              (656:2) maintains that a larger  shofar is more   l’chatchila.  (Mishna  Berura)    See  however
              mehudar.                                     Aruch  Hashulchan  who  writes  that  the

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