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Nahnu Anşārullāh

                         An Educational and Spiritual Publication of Majlis Anşārullāh - Canada

      May - August 2021              Ramadān to Dhul Hijjah 1442                 (Vol 22, Issue 2)
      May -
                                                                                                    ol 22, Issue 2)
              August 2021              Ramadān to Dhul Hijjah 1442                 (V

                                      What perfect morals, what everlasting charm!

                                        Upon thee be peace, upon thee be blessings

            Biblical Prophecies about the Holy                             Your Survival Lies in Holding the
            Prophet Muhammad ﷺ                                                         Rope of Allah

                                       The Practice of the Holy Prophetﷺ during
                                               the last ‘Ashra of Ramadān
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