Page 25 - Policies
P. 25
1. DAILY FROM 1pm to 3pm
2. Time is limited to 15minutes. 2 phone calls per resident per day.
3. Phone may only be used outside of programming hours.
4. Cell phone use is allowed once approved by your clinical team.
5. Alternative phones times may be approved from Clinical Team
6. New admits will only be permitted to use the phone for “Business
Only” calls for the first 3 days. This includes only calling sponsor,
medical appointments, or legal services.
7. Phone use is a privilege. Please ensure you call only those
individuals that Hopess has an ROI for. Every person that a
resident contacts, must be approved and have an ROI form
completed for them.
8. Messages for residents will be given to them during 1pm and 3pm
only. Phone calls are never directly given to residents unless it is
deemed an urgent matter by Hopess Team. If a person calls after
3pm, the resident will get their message the following day at 1pm.