Page 27 - Policies
P. 27
1. Staff are knowledgeable about the Hopess resident grievance procedures and can
accurately describe this procedure to residents. Copies of the grievance procedure are
readily accessible for staff and residents at each site and posted in a conspicuous
2. Staff adheres to the grievance steps and timelines and shall aid residents as needed in
the filing of a grievance. The written complaint is kept in a separate file at the Hopess
corporate office and is not part of the resident record.
3. Resident’s may file a grievance within 30 days of discharge by the following
a. Resident’s may file a grievance and turn this into any staff member.
b. Resident’s may file a grievance by sending the written grievance statement
and explanation through Mail to the Hopess administrative office. If the
resident does not send via certified mail; they will be encouraged to verify
that their grievance was received.
4. All grievances are reviewed by the Executive Director. The Executive Director has 10
days to respond and act on a grievance once a grievance is received. The response will
be in written form whether the resident is still living on the premises or not.
5. Written responses will be hand delivered to residents who are currently residing on
Hopess premises. The Executive Director will deliver the response and invite the
resident to meet with him or her if they are unhappy with the outcome of the grievance
for further explanation as to why actions were and/or were not taken.
6. The Executive Director will mail grievance outcome responses within 10 days of
receiving the initial complaint if the resident is no longer residing on Hopess property.
7. Resident grievances will not result in retaliation or barriers to service.
8. The Executive Director will maintain all grievances and the response. Monthly trends
will be reviewed to determine areas that need performance improvement.
9. Hopess is prohibited from discharging or discriminating in any way against any
resident by whom or on whose behalf a grievance has been submitted to the Bureau of
Residential Facilities Licensing or any other entity, or against any resident by whom or
on whose behalf has participated in a grievance investigation process.
10. Summary of How to Resolve a Concern:
Discuss the concern with the staff member it pertains to or any staff member on
Hopess – Policy and Procedure Manual