Page 28 - Policies
P. 28

 Discuss your concern with your Program Director.
                          If your concern remains unresolved, request to speak to the Resident Advocate.
                          If no agreement or solution is reached, the resident/guardian may choose to make

                             an appointment with the Executive Director by contacting 602-327-8375. A face
                             to face appointment will be made within 10 days of initial request.
                          You may make a written complaint to the CEO at 808 N 74th Street Scottsdale AZ
                             85257. The CEO will develop a written response within 10 days of receiving the
                          You may make a formal grievance to Arizona Department of Human Services.
                             The address to ADHS is posted at your site. Only violation of rights is grieveable.

Grievance Investigation Procedure

The Executive Director will carefully review every grievance and attempt to resolve grievances submitted
early to prevent a breakdown of employment and therapeutic relationships and, ultimately, claims. The
Executive Director is committed to:

    1. Decide whether the grievance can be resolved informally or if the formal grievance procedure
         should be used.

    2. Ensure that all agency procedures are followed, including the Code of Ethics, when investigating

    3. Will meet with all parties involved or mentioned in the grievance, when necessary, in order to
         obtain as much information as possible regarding the grievance.

    4. Invite the concerns person(s) to a grievance meeting and remind them of their statutory right to be
         accompanied by a colleague or peer.

    5. Will ensure that someone who is not involved in the case is appointed to take notes on the

    6. Will allow a person to explain the details of their grievance and how they would like it to be

    7. Adjourn the grievance meeting to consider all the evidence before deciding.
    8. Consider the possible outcomes of the grievance.
    9. Once the decision whether to uphold the grievance is made, the Executive Director will inform the

         concern person(s) in writing with details of why that decision was reached. This will occur within
         10 days from the initial grievance arrival.
    10. In the event the grievance is about the Executive Director, the CEO will conduct the grievance
    11. This grievance procedure will all apply to all grievances; employee, resident, or outside


Hopess – Policy and Procedure Manual
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