Page 30 - Policies
P. 30
September 30, 2020
R9-10-711. Resident Rights
A. An administrator shall ensure that:
1. The requirements in subsection (B) and the resident rights in subsection (E) are
conspicuously posted on the premises;
2. At the time of admission, a resident or the resident’s representative receives a written
copy of the requirements in subsection (B) and the resident rights in subsection (E);
3. Policies and procedures include:
a. How and when a resident or the resident’s representative is informed of the
resident rights in subsection (E), and
b. Where resident rights are posted as required in subsection (A)(1).
B. An administrator shall ensure that:
1. A resident is treated with dignity, respect, and consideration;
2. A resident is not subjected to:
a. Abuse;
b. Neglect;
c. Exploitation;
d. Coercion;
e. Manipulation;
f. Sexual abuse;
g. Sexual assault;
h. Seclusion;
i. Restraint;
j. Retaliation for submitting a complaint to the Department or another entity;
k. Misappropriation of personal and private property
by the behavioral health residential facility’s personnel members, employees,
volunteers, or students;
l. Discharge or transfer, or threat of discharge or transfer, for reasons unrelated to
the resident’s treatment needs, except as established in a fee agreement signed by
the resident or the resident’s representative; or
m. Treatment that involves the denial of:
i. Food,
ii. The opportunity to sleep, or
iii. The opportunity to use the toilet;
3. Except as provided in subsection (C) or (D), and unless restricted by the resident’s
representative, a resident is allowed to: