Page 122 - The Mediterranean Refresh
P. 122
drizzle of extra-virgin of the meat mixture, then form it into a large, DINNER
olive oil, plus more for football-shaped meatball. Repeat with the
the baking dish
remaining meat mixture to create 15 to 16
FOR THE RED SAUCE: elongated meatballs.
2 tbsp. extra-virgin 7. Arrange the meatballs in the prepared baking
olive oil dish. Remove the bay leaf from the sauce and top
1 medium yellow the meatballs with the sauce.
onion, finely chopped 8. Place the baking dish on the middle rack of the
2 cloves garlic, oven. Bake for 40 to 45 minutes or until the
minced meatballs are well cooked all the way through
½ cup dry red wine (check halfway through to make sure the baking
2 (15-oz.) cans tomato dish is not dry; if needed, add a little bit of water
sauce to the bottom of the dish).
1 bay leaf 9. Remove from the oven and add another drizzle
of olive oil. Garnish with parsley and serve over
⅓ tsp. ground cumin
rice or orzo if desired.
½ tsp. ground
½ tsp. sugar
Calories 64kcal Sodium 178mg
salt and black pepper, Total Carbohydrate 7g Potassium 96mg
to taste Protein 2g Dietary Fiber 0g
Total Fat 3g Sugars 3g
Saturated Fat 5g Vitamin A 2% Daily Value
Polyunsaturated Fat 2g Vitamin C 5% Daily Value
Monounsaturated Fat 1g Calcium 25% Daily Value
Trans Fat 2g Iron 16% Daily Value
Cholesterol 29mg