Page 207 - The Mediterranean Refresh
P. 207

Yield:      The perfect snack! Healthy, filling, and offering so many
                3 cups      different ways and flavors to play with, it can be served
                            with your favorite veggies or bread.

               Creamy Tahini Hummus

               INGREDIENTS            INSTRUCTIONS

               ¼  cup tahini paste    Combine the tahini and lemon juice in the bowl
               ¼  cup lemon juice     of a food processor and pulse to mix. Add the
               (from 1 large lemon)   olive oil, garlic, cumin and salt and pulse until
        SNACK  2 tbsp. olive oil, plus   mixed. Add the chickpeas and pulse again until

               more for serving       smooth. If the hummus is too thick, add the water
                                      a little at a time until you reach the desired
               1 clove garlic         consistency. Serve with a drizzle of olive oil and
        THE MEDITERRANEAN REFRESH  ½ tsp. salt  to dip!      Sodium 18mg
               ½ tsp. cumin
                                      sprinkle the paprika over the top. Use veggies

               1½ cups canned or
               cooked chickpeas,
                                        NUTRITION DATA FOR 1 SERVING
               peeled and rinsed
                                        (¼ CUP):
               2–3 tbsp. water, as
                                        Calories 89kcal
                                        Total Carbohydrates 4g
                                                             Dietary Fiber 2g
                                        Protein 3g
               dash of paprika
                                        Total Fat 9g         Potassium 8mg
                                                             Sugars 0g
                                        Saturated Fat 3g     Vitamin A 1.3% Daily Value
                                        Polyunsaturated Fat 2g  Vitamin C 3.5% Daily Value
                                        Monounsaturated Fat 3g  Calcium 2.6% Daily Value
                                        Trans Fat 0g         Iron 1.3% Daily Value
                                        Cholesterol 35mg

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