Page 47 - Tech handbook 2019 rev 6 whyperlinks
P. 47
Engine Shutdown
• Shutdown the engine in the proper manner.
• Allow completion of the post oil lubrication and water pump cooldown times.
Safe Work Practice: LOTO
• All company personnel on site shall follow the PENN Power and customer LOTO
• Any required permits such as hot work, confined spaces etc. should be submitted for
prior to work beginning.
• Lock out the Service Selector switch in the OFF position.
• Lock out the Demand switch in the OFF position.
• Lock out all auxiliaries; pumps, fans, battery chargers etc.
• Disconnect the starter batteries and tape off the leads.
• Close and lock out all gas supply valves.
• Close and lock out all cooling water circuit isolation valves at the closet connections to
the engine skid.
• Close and lock out the lubricating oil engine fill valve(s).
• Rack out the generator circuit breaker. Only qualified personnel wearing the proper PPE
may rack out the breaker. WES/NES personnel cannot work in any switchgear over 480v.
• All personnel must verify that all the above steps have been taken.
• Refer to the document section for the applicable TI.
Engine Disassembly
Verify LOTO
• All personnel including the customer must verify all LOTO’s are in place.
Isolation and Draining of Cooling Water Circuits
• Before draining the coolant once again verify all valves are in the closed position and
locked out.
• Drain the coolant into an approved container(s) suitable for the volume being
drained. Label the container(s) as “used coolant”
• If the coolant is not being replaced, samples should be taken to verify it still meets
the specification
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