Page 49 - Tech handbook 2019 rev 6 whyperlinks
P. 49
• All crank shaft rod journals need to be cleaned, inspected and covered
o All parts being removed shall be marked with the cylinder number they were
removed from in case they need to be referenced at a later time.
• Pictures of the running surfaces from both the upper and lower shells of the
connecting rod and main bearings must be taken and attached to the overhaul data
• Inspect the crank shaft connecting rod and main bearing journals at the time of
disassembly. If any scoring, pitting, abnormal wear etc. is found notify the office
• The connecting rod journals must be covered as soon as possible to limit the chance
of dirt and debris from entering the oil galleys in the crank shaft.
• The part numbers of the old connecting rod and main bearings must be recorded on
the overhaul data sheet utilizing the two-technician minimum requirement.
• If any parts are to be reused such as connecting rods, wrist pins, liners, pistons etc.
the office shall be notified immediately to verify. Jenbacher has very strict guidelines
for reuse of bottom end parts. The Jenbacher TI’s and ST’s must be followed.
• Inspect the upper and lower liner landing surfaces for pitting and corrosion.
• Refer to the document section for the applicable TI’s, ST’s and Maintenance Tasks.
Inspection and Documentation of Removed Parts
• The part numbers of the old connecting rod, main and thrust bearings need to be
recorded on the Overhaul Data Sheet along with the new part numbers. Any
deviations need to be brought to the attention of the office immediately.
Preparation for Engine Reassembly
• Clean all sealing surfaces by hand using emery cloth and scotch brite pads. Rotary
tools with wire wheels are never to be used.
• Seal all pipes and openings into the engine as each cylinder is cleaned.
• Clean all dirt and debris from the block, top to bottom, and clean the floor around
the skid to prevent any contamination of the engine during reassembly.
• Further inspect the sealing surfaces during the cleaning process, report any
abnormalities to the office before starting assembly.
• Remove all oil residue from the oil pan and clean any debris from the pan and off
the crank shaft that fell into the block during the cleaning process.
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