Page 52 - Tech handbook 2019 rev 6 whyperlinks
P. 52
• Prep the new cylinder heads and verify all O-rings and head gaskets are properly
installed and make sure there are no foreign objects in the cylinders before setting
the heads in place.
• Torque all cylinder heads and measure the 0-hour valve stem protrusion before
installing the valve train. Record the readings on the Overhaul Data Sheet.
• At this point all valve train parts being reused along with the cam shaft have been
inspected. Reinstall the valve train and perform the valve adjustment.
• Reinstall the valve covers using new gaskets or O-rings.
• Refer to the document section for the applicable FSM’s, TI’s, ST’s and Maintenance
Turbochargers, Intercooler and Exhaust System
• Reinstall the Intercooler using the approved sealant.
• Reinstall the turbo(s) properly clocking the hot and cold housings. The turbos on
Type 6 engines are side specific.
• Reinstall the exhaust manifold using only new hardware. Use the approved type of
anti-seize and torque the bolts/nuts to spec.
• Refer to the document section for the applicable TI’s, ST’s and Maintenance Tasks.
Ignition System
• Install new spark plugs using the approved type of anti-seize and torqueing them to
• At this point the ignition rails, coils, safi’s, cable connections and wiring harnesses
have been inspected. Reinstall the ignition rails and spark plug wires.
Filling of Fluids
• Fill and bleed the engine jacket water cooling loop with the approved coolant and
correct ratio of coolant to water.
• Fill and bleed the intercooler cooling water loop with the approved coolant and
correct ratio of coolant to water.
• Verify that there are no leaks, especially into the crank case fill the oil pan and
auxiliary oil tank with lubricating oil from the approved oil list.
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