Page 50 - Tech handbook 2019 rev 6 whyperlinks
P. 50
Engine Reassembly
Main Bearings and Crank Shaft
• All lateral tie rod bolts can be loosened at the same time and can all be retorqued
once all the bearings have been changed. However, only one set of main cap nuts
can be loosened at a time and must be retorqued before starting on the next main
• The thickness of the new main bearing shells need to be measured and recorded on
the Overhaul Data Sheet. This check is to verify uniformity of the new bearings.
• Only one set of bearings is to be changed at a time. If any bearing shell shows
abnormal wear and/or any journal has scoring, or pitting notify the office
• Wipe off the new bearing shells using a lint free cloth, do not use any cleaners on
the running surfaces.
• Only new engine oil is to be used for pre-lubing the bearings shells. Only pre-lube
the running surfaces.
• Special care needs to be taken with the torque on the lateral tie rod bolts and the
main studs/nuts. Both have different torque values for 10.9 and 12.9 material.
• Refer to the document section for the applicable TI’s, ST’s and Maintenance Tasks.
Liners, Connecting Rods and Pistons
• By this point all part numbers have been verified including the correct combination
of liner, piston, scraper ring and head gasket.
• Install all liners using clean engine oil on the O-rings and the lower liner surface.
• Seal the upper liner sealing surface with the approved RTV sealant.
• The upper sealing surfaces in the block and on the liner need to be cleaned with
Brake Clean to allow proper adhesion of the RTV.
• Hold downs must be used once the liners are installed to make sure they are
properly seated in the block and to make sure there is no movement while the RTV
is drying.
• The thickness of the new connecting rod bearing shells need to be measured and
recorded on the Overhaul Data Sheet. This check is to verify uniformity of the new
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