Page 26 - Online Collaborative Learning_Neat (perbab)
P. 26

Implementation of Collaborative

                                          Methods In Online Learning

                         Collaborative learning can be implemented in a variety of educational contexts, both

                  face-to-face and online. It allows students to develop important social and cognitive skills
                  as  they  work  together  to  achieve  learning  goals.  The  implementation  of  collaborative

                  methods  in  online  learning  requires  good  planning  and  the  use  of  appropriate  tools  and
                  strategies.  Collaborative  learning  is  a  method  that  has  been  shown  to  contribute  to  the

                  creation  of  social  support  in  learning  and  can  be  applied  online.  Collaborative  learning

                  offers  broad  prospects  for  educators  because  it  allows  the  use  of  different  patterns  of
                  interaction,  discussion,  exchange  of  opinions,  peer  assessment,  building  e-learning

                  communities, encouraging the development of e-culture, and preparing the future to work
                  in professional fields under new conditions in the pandemic era (Napitupulu, et al., 2020).

                  Through collaborative learning, many benefits can be obtained by learners where critical

                  thinking skills and social interaction can be done both face-to-face and online. Compared to
                  competitive and individualistic efforts, collaborative learning provides  social  benefits  by

                  creating  a  social  support  system  in  the  form  of  more  caring,  supportive,  engaged
                  relationships,  a  positive  atmosphere  that  contributes  to  psychological  health,  social

                  competence,  and  can  develop  learners'  self-esteem  in  developing  a  learning  community

                  (Napitupulu, et al., 2020).
                         Collaborative learning methods have been applied to conventional learning, but the

                  application is limited to a very small scope, the classroom, relying on student interactions
                  with teachers or lecturers and interactions among students.  With the availability of Internet

                  communication  networks,  collaboration  between  schools,  between  regions,  and  even
                  between  countries  becomes  easier  and  very  possible  (cross-border  collaboration).

                  Universities or schools in different countries can cooperate in student exchanges, teacher

                  exchange programs, or joint research projects. This can help students and educators gain
                  valuable international experience, while opening up opportunities to improve the quality of
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