Page 9 - Mbichi Logo and Brand Identity Guidelines
P. 9
Logo & Brand Identity Guidelines Logo & Brand Identity Guidelines
When to Use:
In abscence of the
logomark, the logotype
should follow the example
on the left. MBICHI in caps
and African in title case
and with the same width
as the logo mark.
A slogan Can be inserted in
the artwork. It should be in
myriad and can be
italicised and bold to ^
0.2.1 Typography in Use create emphasis
When to Use:
MBICHI African
The lgotype in montserrat
family font is also
accepted. The slogn
though will have to remain
in Myriad at all times.
should the mont serrat
font will be used with abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
italics. It can be used in the
regular in 1234567890!@#$%^&*()
correspondencies such as
emails and letters