Page 16 - Radiooperatørkursus BEG_Neat
P. 16
Here you can see that EKVJ has been given a new frequency. It is important for
you as a radio operator that you have the right frequency to tune into the radio
so that you can establish radio contact!
SNOWTAM, which can be seen at the bottom of the briefing page for EKSV
(previous page), indicates whether there is snow or water or something else on
the track that you need to be aware of. There is nothing here.
2.3 ATC Flight Plan
For example, let's say we fly from EKHG to EKSV and to EKVJ. During the flight,
we get into different topics, which are elaborated on.
We will also go through the phraseology itself and the requirements for
communication along the way, so just follow along
There is no requirement to send a full flight plan for the flight, but here is what
one looks like.
The bottom part of the
card is cut away, as we
do not use this part.
The departure airport
and the destination
receive our flight plan.
Other devices can
search and find it in
their systems.
Side 16 af 45