Page 21 - engelsk
P. 21

Air Law

                1.2.6    Equipment Requirements for Aircraft

                Several equipments are required to be in aircraft. There may be slight variations

                in requirements depending on the purpose of the aircraft/flight.

          Equipment requirements for all aircraft

                  1.  Type-approved seatbelts (shoulder and lap) for front seats

                  2.  A seat for every passenger who is 2 years or older

                  3.  A type-approved lap belt for each passenger seat
                  4.  Approved fastening device for each child under 2 years (the child may be

                      held by an adult on private flights, but not strapped into the same belt as

                      the adult)

                  5.  A sign on the seatback with an image or text instructing passengers to

                      fasten seatbelts when seated

                  6.  First aid equipment

                  7.  Hand fire extinguisher
                  8.  Clear  marking  of  cargo  and  baggage  compartments  with  maximum

                      allowable load

                  9.  Marking of fuel filler openings with text indicating the approved fuel type

                      and usable fuel in the tank

                  10. A set of spare fuses if melting fuses are used

                  11. Lights that are carried by aircraft in the air and on water must meet the

                      requirements of Appendix E to BL 1-12

                  12. ELT (Emergency Locator Transmitter). Registration of the distress beacon

                      as described in BL 1-10.
                  13. A map (latest edition) of the flight route, as well as instructions for action

                      if intercepted

           Equipment requirements for VFR Day flights

                   14. Airspeed indicator

                   15. Pressure altitude indicator

                   16. A magnetic compass

                   17. A clock showing hours, minutes, and seconds

           Flight Theory PPL(A)(UL)/LAPL             Henning Andersen, Midtjysk Flyveskole© 2025           21
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