Page 27 - engelsk
P. 27
Air Law
The pilot-in-command, whether or not they are operating the controls, is
responsible for the aircraft's operation in accordance with air traffic rules.
However, they may deviate from these rules if the situation makes such
deviation absolutely necessary for safety reasons. Reporting incidents and accidents
The pilot-in-command must report any aviation safety event under (EU)
376/2014 to the Danish Civil Aviation Administration within 72 hours on a flight
safety report.
The pilot-in-command is responsible for notifying the Accident Investigation
Board in the event of an accident or serious flight event. Operational regulations
Operationally, the pilot-in-command is responsible for ensuring that the
applicable checklists are used.
The pilot-in-command is also responsible for using established VFR holding
patterns, VFR reporting points, and VFR routes, where required.
In the event of an emergency during flight, the pilot-in-command must ensure
that all persons on board are briefed on the emergency procedures and actions
required for the situation.
If weather conditions that may affect the safety of other aircraft are observed
during flight, or if any other flying conditions present a safety risk, this must be
reported to air traffic services as soon as possible.
Such reports must include all information that may be significant for the safety
of other aircraft.
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Flight Theory PPL(A)(UL)/LAPL Henning Andersen, Midtjysk Flyveskole© 2025 27