Page 47 - KZN Top Business Portfolio-eBook 2022
P. 47

various legislated processes, employee communication   contracts, job descriptions, medical certificates,
         forums, COIDA and UIF registrations, submissions and   company policy manuals and discipline code of conduct,
         obtaining of letter of good standing.  and other company templates.
         Creating Productive Enterprises     The aim of the app is to improve communication to staff
         DRG’s Leading Purpose process is founded upon practical   members, make administration easier, significantly
         experience gained over the years. It flows through three   lower costs, and create greater efficiency than most
         focus areas: Discover, Develop, and Deliver.  legacy systems, especially for organisations with
                                             multiple and remote sites.
         Discover: DRG designs a framework for sharing, with
         team members, knowledge about your business, its   PEO (Professional Employer Organisation)
         strategy,  key  value  drivers,  value  chains, business   PEO services are provided to a wide range of local
         processes, stakeholder management, critical success   and international organisations. This service provides
         factors, measures, leadership styles, and employee   organisations with a solid labour law foundation,
         perceptions.                        social security registrations, and employee taxation
                                             administration and guidance to support engagements
         Develop: DRG designs a framework for sharing with   with staff members.
         team members how the business works, to demonstrate
         team and individual zones of influence, to facilitate   This HR service is inclusive of a compliant human resource
         development  of  personal  business  plans,  contribution   foundation of payroll administration, workman’s
         measurement and feedback mechanisms  as  well   compensation, unemployment insurance, contracts
         as  employee  recognition  and  reward  mechanisms.   of employment, job descriptions, employment equity,
         Engaged employees take responsibility for their actions   workplace skills plans and annual training record returns,
         and hold themselves accountable for the outcomes of   and where applicable, application and submission of
         their contribution.                 critical skills and general work permits.
                                             Typically, customers using PEO services include NGOs
         Deliver: DRG helps business leaders uncover and   without fully-fledged HR departments, organisations
         integrate understandings in leadership styles,   funded through government agencies as the Growth
         employee perceptions, team dynamics, and supports   and Jobs Fund, larger organisations that  require
         employee orientation workshops, employee capacity   project and unusual payroll and employment
         development programmes and, ensuring sustainable   support, mid-size companies wishing to focus more
         actions, communications, feedback, and corrective   on core activities and not be pulled into business
         action as required.                 administration, SMEs and start-up enterprises that
         Technology Support                  wish to ensure their HR responsibilities are properly
                                             structured and fully compliant.
         DRG Online is a highly effective employee self-service
         app helping organisations manage and coordinate all   DRG is a team of professionals, ready to support
         HR-related transactions which include leave activities   human  resource  function needs and  requirements
         and providing a variety of support functions as   within your organisation and excited to provide ‘just
         uploading of employees’ payslips, IRP5s, employment   right’ support as and when needed.

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