Page 1 - KZN Top Business Awards 2017
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Imraan Noorbhai, Standard Bank Provincial Head, KZN; Lalita Dhasiar- Ventura, KZN Top Business; Goolam Ballim, Standard Bank Chief Economist and Ameen Hassan, Standard Bank Head: Shariah Banking

                                      environmental responsibility   opportunities, growing transport     ere’s a great deal of   up for success in managing and
        Imraan Noorbhai - Standard Bank
        Provincial Head, KZN          seriously. Indeed, we know that   hubs, and good governance, we   construction planned and   growing your business. We take
        S   tandard Bank believes that   depends on the stability and     Durban is home to South   from Umlazi to Ballito, including   needs. Whether buying your rst
                                      our long-term protability
                                                                                                    underway in the belt that stretches
                                                                     are a land of possibility.
                                                                                                                                  pride in understanding your
                                      well-being of our continent.
                                                                                                    retail nodes, residential
                                                                                                                                  business, remodelling your
            Africa is the best place to do
            business, and we are
                                                                                                                                  business to become a multi-store
        motivated by a deeply           As a brand, we are passionate   Africa’s largest port, a crucial   developments and new business   existing business or growing your
                                                                                                    parks. Within this, there are some
                                                                     gateway into Africa. With
        philanthropic purpose, which   about making progress real.   excellent road connections into   very bright spots – like Cornubia   owner. We match your needs by
        states: “Africa is our home, we   Enabling one’s progress is at the   the interior of South Africa and   –Tongaat Hulett and the   assisting you with a holistic bank
        drive her growth”. Together we   heart of why we exist. To realise   our neighbouring economies, it is   eekwini Metro’s truly visionary   oering which range from
        continuously measure ourselves   this purpose, we need to make   the primary port for Botswana,   mixed-use, mixed-income   funding, custom made pricing
        against this objective. We are   sure that we partner individuals,   Lesotho, Swaziland, Zambia and   development project, representing   packages, to customised payments
        progressive, pioneering and   businesses, and communities    Zimbabwe.                      an investment of nearly R26   and collection solutions.
        unlocking Africa’s potential.  across the continent to create                               billion, which will bring
                                      shared prosperity.               Tens of billions of rands have   low-income families closer to job     Standard Bank has been
          We are excited about Africa’s                              been earmarked by the private   opportunities and contribute to   involved in the following premier
        possibility. With a heritage of over     We aspire for KwaZulu-Natal to   sector for investment in the   the creation of a more integrated   events in the province over the last
        154 years, we have an on-the-  become a prosperous province,   mining, manufacturing,       and inclusive city region.  But,   six months:
        ground presence in 20 countries in   with a healthy, secure and skilled   automotive and biotechnology   much of the current investment is   •  African Renaissance – Guest
        Africa, we are the largest bank by   population, living in dignity and   sectors in various nodes across the   consumption-oriented and     Speaker Sim Shabalala
        assets which employs over 54 000   harmony, acting as a gateway to                          targeted at areas that are already   •  Participation in the World
        sta. We also have a strategic   Africa and the world. KwaZulu-  province – investments with the   auent, and the province’s     Economic Forum
        partnership with the Industrial   Natal - Durban in particular – has   potential to create thousands of   enormous housing backlog and   •  The Standard Bank East Coast
        and Commercial Bank of China,   numerous competitive advantages,   jobs. Richards Bay, home to the   deeply distressing unemployment     Radio GIBS Business Breakfast
        the largest bank in the world. With   but in order to make the most of   world's largest coal exporting   rate, particularly in rural areas,   •  The Standard Bank Kearsney
        these dynamics in mind, it’s no   what this great province has going   terminal, is just one example.   remain massive challenges.      Rugby Festival
        exaggeration to say that Standard   for it, we need co-ordination                                                         •  The Standard Bank Jazz Festival
        Bank plays an important role in   between government and the     But, KwaZulu-Natal’s success     We believe the connection   •  The Standard Bank Iron Man
        driving growth on the continent.  private sector to build economic   depends on attracting local and   between entrepreneurs and   •  The Standard Bank KZN Top
                                      and social infrastructure, to   foreign investors; investors who   businessmen with thought leaders     Business Awards.
          Our vision of “Improving lives   address regulatory constraints,   are looking for a clear and stable   and trendsetters will arm local
        and fullling aspirations across   and to create an attractive business   regulatory framework in general,   businessmen to think globally and     And we are the leading sponsor
        Africa” reminds us that we are   environment.                and particularly in regard to   execute locally.             of the prominent Standard Bank
        more than a bank, and our role is                            property ownership, mineral                                  Durban Diwali Festival in
        greater than the nancial products     We have a lot going for us. From   rights, and visas for investors. All     rough a customer centric   October. We look forward to
        and services we provide. We take   our natural beauty and fantastic   areas in which South Africa could   approach, our goal is to   seeing you there as we continue to
        our social, economic and      climate, to our trade          and should be doing much better.    "collaborate" with you, to set you   move KZN forward.

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