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he Parklands College countries competing over three
StellarBots win Project days in the beautiful Antel Arena
TPresentation for South in Montevideo from 30 May to
Africa in Uruguay 1 June 2019.
The theme for the 2018/2019 The StellarBots had an
FIRST Lego League (FLL) extremely successful trip
Robotics season was “INTO in Uruguay. The three-
ORBIT”. This theme requires day competition had them
teams to transport themselves competing in the Robot Game,
into space and create innovative showing off their team core
solutions for the challenges that values and presenting their
the vast expanse of space holds. modular, radiation resistant,
The FIRST (For Inspiration and hydroponic crop growth system
Recognition for Science and to various judges and teams from
Technology) LEGO League is throughout the world.
an international technology Their months of hard work
programme that is carried out in culminated in them winning the
more than 80 countries, involving first place for Project Presentation.
more than 250 000 young people This award recognises a team
in the world.
that effectively communicates the
After their performance at the problem they have identified and
First Lego League South African their proposed solution to both
National competition last year the judges and other potential
the Parklands College StellarBots supporters.
received a special invitation Congratulations to this team on
to represent South Africa at
the FIRST LEGO League Plan this wonderful achievement.
Ceibal International Open in
Montevideo, Uruguay, Casandra de Vos, Marketing Department,
Parklands College
The event saw 65 teams with Int Tel: +27 (0)21 522 6731
a total of 700 members from 26 W: (Left to Right), Camryn Abrahamson, Brooke Elliot, Kieran Redpath,Bonan Zhu, Hayden Visser
rom stuttering schoolboy sales, a restaurant, a pub, to basic inter-personal skills.
to international keynote leadership camps for youths and a
Fspeaker, David Allen has few others. David is also busy completing
earned his stripes as a thought- his second and third books, the
provoking speaker to many The common thread? Working first of which was ‘Leadership in
different industries and about with people. Firstly, as consumers the Trees’.
many different subjects. His and secondly getting the most out
Although David is an
subjects include leadership, of people as staff and colleagues. undisputed authority in body
communication, dealing with Combining his own personal language, he will be the first to
gossip and criticism, problem
solving, lateral thinking, and experiences with that of let you know that he sometimes
interview techniques. His latest others and extensive training gets it wrong – just ask his wife
Debbie, she’ll tell you. But as he
techniques acquired by special
subject, body language, is in huge law enforcement experience, explains, it’s something you can
demand as it talks to old and
young, professional and personal David has become an undisputed switch on and off at will. The key
and is responsible for many ‘aha’ expert in dealing with people. is to know the tell-tale signs of
Knowledge he is very passionate
good and bad in body language
moments from his audiences.
about sharing. first and be able to act and react
David’s engaging style of accordingly when required.
Currently, David speaks
addressing his audiences is one regularly on three continents with When in a professional
of the reasons why his listeners
easily become doers of what they more and more establishments environment, you certainly
have learnt. The information that begging for repeat visits. He is the want to know all about body
language as it may just mean
director of the award-winning
he shares is always practical and Leadership Training Programme signing a massive contract,
easily applied.
in York in England and Leysin in sealing a big deal or making
But what makes David an Switzerland, lectures at Babson more sales. Sometimes though
expert? The same things that College and Bentley University you simply can’t afford to get it
makes anyone an expert… in Boston, as well as Harvard wrong. For example, in a tense
experience, consistency and University in Cambridge, USA. hostage negotiation or other life-
passion for his craft. David also lectures at the Young threatening event. It means the
Presidents Organisation in difference between life or death.
You may ask what experience Manhattan, which on its own is
he has? Well here are a few a rather impressive notch in his For the most of us though,
examples. David has owned many belt when you understand who we want to be better at our
businesses and been involved in these members are. Not forgetting relationships be they personal or
the community in various ways. a national footprint right here professional and body language
From being part of a special in South Africa with Greystone is an incredible advantage. So,
tactical task force working with Camp and Camp Solomon, which the only question left is “how
the late, great Nelson Mandela, to he co-runs with his business proficient are you and your staff at
hostage negotiations and police partner Alfred Eden. These camps reading body language?”
reservist, to owning a video store, all concentrate on leadership,
a courier company, tombstones effective communication and