Page 11 - KZN Business Sense 5.3
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                     Grant Gavin, Founder   and achieve it with alarming   breaking it down, and   partner. Give somebody you   until they receive it. Therefore,
                      of the Durban   accuracy.”                    performing the activities until   trust the permission to hold you   I would recommend that
                      Entrepreneurs                                 you achieve success. No matter   accountable to the activities you   your accountability partner
                       Club, International   Setting a goal or knowing   how small.               need to do in order to achieve   is not your spouse or life
                       Speaker, Business   what you want to achieve is the                        your goal.  You cannot do this by   partner. At one point or another,
                      Coach and owner   absolute first step in aligning all   2. You lack the discipline to   yourself.  If you could do it alone,   your accountability partner is
                      of RE/MAX Panache  your efforts towards a desired   stick with the activities  you probably would have done it   going to have to push you harder
                                      cause. If you don’t know what   Yes, the goal inspires you,   by now.                     than you might expect and in
                                      you want or where you are     but the actual ‘doing’ part
                            uccess is   going, how will you know if                                You can either get a coach and   that moment, you cannot afford
                            actually   you’re on the right track at any   requires that you change habits,   pay for accountability, or you   to be sensitive to a few harsh
                        Sa fairly     point in time?                break comfort zones and work   can find a mentor. A mentor is   truths. Someone too close to you
                        simple                                      hard on your mind-set and     a friend or advisor who buys   might not be willing to ruin a
                        formula.      People who don’t have clear,   insecurities that have held you   into your goal and wants to see   relationship by speaking those
                        First, you    defined goals often feel lost and   back in the past.       you succeed and prosper.      truths.
                        need to set a   lacking in motivation.  Sound   You’re a human being and that
        goal.  Secondly, you break the goal   familiar?             means you have a brain.  Your   Believe me, I know all about   Give it a try. Give someone
        down into actionable activities.    Action:  Set a goal that is going   brain is designed to keep you   quitting points.  I’ve been trying   permission to help you achieve
        Then you do the activities.  Add   to inspire you.  If you’ve never   safe, warm and comfortable.    to run 5 kms without stopping   everything to want to achieve.
        in some patience, resilience, hard                          This creative muscle of yours   for the past six months. Being a   Do it this week.
        work and discipline, and voila.....  ever set a goal, set one for this   is the most powerful creativity   complete non-runner has made   Grant Gavin is the Founder of
                                      week. What do you want to
        Success!                                                    and visualisation tool that you   this incredibly difficult. Adding   the Durban Entrepreneurs Club,
                                      achieve?  It might be as simple                             a running partner to the mix
          Easy right? No. Not quite.  as “Wake up 30 minutes earlier   have, but if you don’t work on   gave me instant accountability   International Speaker, Business
                                      each morning and have time    it, it can get lazy.                                        Coach and owner of RE/MAX
          If you’re struggling at present   for breakfast.” Or, “Find two                         and helped me transform my    Panache, the largest real estate
        then you are more than likely   new sales prospects this week.”    You’re also more inclined to   running in two sessions.  company in the North Durban
        going to be falling short in one of   Then prioritise and focus your   become impatient when success   One final point - choosing   suburbs. 
        two areas:                                                  takes longer than expected, or
                                      activities on achieving that goal.  you will end up quitting too soon   your accountability partner is
        1. You don’t know your goal    Go to work on forming        when things get tough.        important.                    To sign up for his Sunday Startup weekly
          “Most people aim for nothing   the habit of setting a goal,   Action: Find an accountability   Everybody wants accountability,   email, visit


           eanine Topping and Associates   The following success stories well   “JTandA’s service delivery    “One thing that stands out about   call to remind you to update your
           (JTandA) is a professional   illustrate JTandA’s happy clients.  over the past six years has been   JTandA is their ability to make you   quality management system or
        Jconsultancy aiding training   Suné Koegelenberg, the director   excellent. Jeanine and her team   feel like family. Every single staff   will come and sit with you when
        providers to apply for accreditation   and founding member of Anchor   took us through the process   member at JTandA is eager to help,   there is a site visit scheduled. They
        from a Sector Education and   Africa, a training company    and taught us how to do things   welcoming and it almost feels like   are very hands on and will go the
        Training Authority (SETA), the   established in 2010, used JTandA’s   the correct way in order to be   they all “know your story” and   extra mile. In addition, JTandA
        Quality Council for Trades and   services for the company’s initial   a legitimate training provider,”   drive the mission to help you reach   have helped us to get business by
        Occupations (QCTO) or Umalusi.    accreditation application process.    explained Mkhize.   your goal,” added Chiliza.  referring clients to us. They have
        The company has offices in                                   Sanda Skills Development started                           really wanted us to succeed.”
        Durban and services the entire    “JTandA were fantastic and   off being accredited by one SETA   JTandA’s services do not end   As each business is unique
        country.                      assisted us with the whole process.    and have extended their scope   once the accreditation – or   and has different accreditation
                                      The staff were sincere, friendly                            probably provisional accreditation
          The dynamic Founding        and very competent. They kept   to have accreditation with four   is awarded but will assist clients   requirements. JTandA offers a
        Member, Jeanine Topping, has   me up to date on key deliverables   SETAs. This has enabled them to   to build capacity as training   range of packages for training
        been involved in training and   and responsibilities,” explained   train over 400 learners in a range   providers.  This ensures that full   providers. 
        development since 2001. Topping   Koegelenberg.             of programmes.                accreditation is both acquired and
        and her fellow members, Cheri                                Intombi Learning Solutions   retained.                     For more information contact:
        Labuschagne and Lindsay Armit,   “Of significance is that Jeanine   is a basic education and skills                     T: +27 (0)87-150-1554
        are a formidable trio who are   keeps her promises and is quick   development organisation, which   Says Mkhize, “Business owners   E:
                                      to follow up with a phone call if
        passionate about helping their   something has not gone according   was accredited by Umalusi in 2018.   lead busy lives and JTandA will   W:
        clients to achieve their goals and to   to plan. This personal touch makes   “We are here today because
        grow their businesses.
                                      all the difference and makes the   of this amazing company,” says
          Accreditation ensures that   company one of the best in the   Njabulo Chiliza, sales manager
        training providers have the   business. Jeanine was a lifesaver   at Intombi Learning Solutions.
        specialised knowledge and skills   at the time of the accreditation   “Our case was quite strenuous – a
        to deliver training courses. In   process.”                 two year journey of becoming
        addition, learners are assured   Anchor Africa is now a well-  accredited. During what seemed
        that the training offered     established training company   an impossible mission we thought
        complies with the required    offering a range of training   JTandA would give up on us, but
        standards for learning and    programmes and added value    they didn’t. Instead they held our
        assessment. Consequently, any   services to its clients.    hands – literally. Today we hold an
        credits acquired are nationally                             accreditation with Umalusi and
        recognised and contribute to   Nelly Mkhize, founder of Sanda   are thankful to Jeanine for going
        achieving a full qualification.  Skills Development focuses on   over and above, even financially,
                                      training lower levels of staff   to achieve this goal. They promise
          JTandA has aided more than   members in municipalities.   “guaranteed accreditation” and
        500 training providers to achieve   Mkhize says that when she   this is exactly what you get. No
        their business goals by successfully   started the company in 2013,   hidden agenda, no scams, no
        securing their accreditation with   she did not know anything   uncertainty but an open-door
        the various Education Training   about training accreditation   consultation process that takes you
        Quality Assurance Bodies.     requirements.                 on a journey to victory.”

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