Page 16 - KZN Business Sense 10.3
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                     Colette Tanner, Chief                                                                                     as a way to achieve success
                      Operations Officer,                                                                                      in meeting organisational
                      DRG                                                                                                      objectives. A community is
                                                                                                                               a collection of closely knit
                                                                                                                               individuals with common
                          leadership                                                                                           ground whether it be social,
                      Sis a paradox                                                                                            economic, or political interests.
                     for some. Opposed                                                                                           In practise servant leadership
                      to attracting                                                                                            can present a few challenges
                        and wielding                                                                                           particularly where the business
                         power or                                                                                              is accustomed to a more
                         an over-                                                                                              structured or hierarchical
                         burdening                                                                                             culture.  A resistance to this
                          ego, a                                                                                               transformational leadership
                         servant                                                                                               can precipitate a challenge with
        leader strives to create merit                                                                                         navigating an innate power
        through stewardship and                                                                                                dynamic where the focus is on
        community building. Success is                                                                                         authority or position power.
        therefore inevitable as the leader
        serves the team by recognising and                                                                                       A servant leader exhibits
        encouraging the team’s abilities to                                                                                    humility through considering
        achieve organisational goals.                                                                                          the goals of the team above
                                                                                                                               his or her own and this can
          A leader has the ability to                                                                                          be discerned by the team as
        cope with change and by                                                                                                irresolute and feeble. The
        entrenching a vision, establishes                                                                                      transition to a new leadership
        direction for a business.                                                                 Ethical Leadership           style can take time where results
        Through communicating         Informal leaders are powerful   places serving others first                              are often not seen immediately,
        the vision, the leader reaches   in the workplace and their   and above all other priorities.   Research shows that servant   however where a business adopts
        agreement with the team and   power is based on knowledge,   Rather than managing the     leadership boosts profits and   a culture of open communication
        influences the team to overcome  trust, friendliness, and shared   results, a servant leader focuses   employee morale. This ethically   and consistently cultivating the
        challenges. Pivotal to leadership   interests with their colleagues   on creating a healthy working   driven style of leading people   values which realise the evidence
        is influence, a leader has the   and their reputation earned   environment in which the team   highlights where supporting the   of servant leadership, can only
        ability to influence a particular   through delivering quality and   can thrive, where evidence of   employee can build influence,   bring about success.
        direction or the achievement of   ethical outcomes. People within   high employee engagement,   authority, and collaboration.
        a set of objectives.          the organisation recognise these   employee job satisfaction   Ethical leadership is central   In closing, I include a poem
                                      qualities, rather than the lack of                          to servant leadership, ethical   I believe to be powerful in its
          In contrast, a manager copes                              and increased motivation is                                explanation of the servant leader.
        with complexity, through      title of the informal leader. An   intrinsic. When an employee   behaviour where there is integrity
                                      informal leader exercises expert
        formalising plans, organising,                              has meaning and value in the   in the way things are done and   A Fixer
        designing and implementing the   power defined as the ability   workplace, there is a sense of   how people are treated is the
        plan and thereafter monitoring   to demonstrate expertise in a   security and fulfilment, which   responsibility of anyone who   A fixer has the illusion of being
                                      subject or situation, regardless
        the results against the plan.                               leads to increased productivity   leads and through adhering   causal. A server knows he or she
        Managers use the authority    of hierarchy.                 and ultimately reduces staff   to principles of transparency,   is being used in the service of
        intrinsic to their position to   If one were to consider the   turnover. The ethos of servant   openness, fairness, honesty and   something greater, essentially
        achieve compliance. Managers   Generational theory, there are   leadership is ‘take care of the   accountability sets an example   unknown…
        implement the vision and      often a myriad of generations   people and the people will   for others to follow and in doing   We fix something specific.
        strategy provided by the      at play in the workplace who   take care of the results’. High   so cultivates a culture of ethical   We serve always the something:
        leader through organising and   have varying influences     performance teams and high-   leadership across the organisation.  wholeness and the mystery of
        coordinating the day-to-day   and expectations. Different   performance cultures are born   A servant leader focuses more   life.
        activities of the business.   generations can be characterised  out of servant leadership.  on involving team members in
                                      by specific historical events                               the everyday decision-making   Fixing and helping are the work
        Source of Influence           that often form their values,   Servant leadership is a     processes of the business than a   of the ego. Serving is the work of
          The source of influence held   perspectives, and behaviours.   doctrine and set of practices   more authoritative, traditional   the soul.
                                                                    that enhances lives in the
        by the leader may be formal,   Studies show that Millennials   workplace and is fundamental   leader would where decisions are   When you help, you see life as
        for example, the position the   prefer a teamwork approach   to building a meaningful     made, and instructions delivered.   weak.  When you fix, you see life
        person holds or line of authority  over authoritative management   workplace, which as a result   Servant leadership skills facilitate   as broken.
        in the organisation. Because   style. A characteristic of   builds a better organisation and   the connection between coworkers
        management positions are      millennials’ is their need to   through this attracts people who  at both the management and   When you serve, you see life as
        formalised and carry authority,   build relationships, Gen Zs   wish to perpetuate a meaningful  employee level, building unified   whole. Fixing and helping may
        a person may assume a role    are typically unafraid to point   workplace. The traditional   teams. The servant leadership   cure. Serving heals.
        of authority simply because   out inefficiencies, recommend   leader focuses on influencing   axiom accentuates the needs of   When I help, I feel satisfaction.
        of their position in the      improvements, and disengage   people to achieve strategy,   people in the workplace where the
        organisation, however it cannot   where there is a slowness to   goals, financial performance,   importance of frequent honest   When I serve, I feel gratitude.
        be automatically assumed that   change.                     and customer satisfaction,    feedback is understood by both   Fixing is a form of judgment.
        the person is a leader.                                                                                                Serving is a form of connection
                                      Characteristics of a Leader   all paramount objectives but   individual and the team
          Not all managers are                                      even more so profitability and   Through honest communication   (Anonymous). 
                                       A leader should be ethical,
        leaders and vice versa. Non   have integrity, self-awareness,   delivering against shareholder   and creating an environment
        sanctioned leadership – the                                 objectives. However, a servant   where opinions and views are
        ability to influence people   courage, respect, compassion,   leader demonstrating empathy,                            For more information please contact
        in the absence of position is   and resilience. A leader should   humility and commitment   openly shared and considered   Colette Tanner,
                                      be learning agile, show gratitude,
                                                                                                  brings about trust not only in the
        equally important as sanctioned                             focuses on bringing all this                               T: +27 (0)31 767 0625
        leadership. Leaders can emerge   and collaborate effectively.  The   about through creating an   leader but in the team and the   E:
                                      significance of servant leadership
                                                                                                  team’s ability. Servant leadership
        from within a team as well                                  environment where people are
        as be formally designated to   rests in its transformative   the nucleus, focusing on needs,   pursues the development of
        lead a team. Informal leaders   potential, fostering engaged work   mentoring and nurturing,   leadership qualities in others.
                                      environments, cultivating trust
        tend to be experienced and                                  development and opportunities,   Servant leadership strives to
        knowledgeable; team members   and driving sustainable success.   which will bring about   build a consciousness to those
        gravitate to informal leaders for   A servant leader is altruistic   profitability and deliver against   working around you and to
        troubleshooting and guidance.   and carries an attitude that   business imperatives.      create a community in employees

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