Page 11 - KZN Business Sense 10.3
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                  Liesel Kassier, Metair   to this evolving energy landscape   prioritising the business case for     burgeoning circular economy.    a proactive approach to
                    Research Head:    risk several consequences:    adopting green energy solutions.     This framework emphasises    sustainability integration
                     Sustainable      ■   Escalating Energy Costs:    Two of the key value propositions     closed-loop systems through    by executives leading their
                      Manufacturing     Reliance on conventional energy    for this business case would be the     several key mechanisms:  organisations. Sustainable
                       and Sustainable     sources is leading to rising costs,    following:      ■   Design for Disassembly and    practices necessitate a holistic
                       Finance,  Toyota     eroding profit margins.  ■   A robust energy and net-zero      Reuse: Products are designed    approach, with collaborations
                        Wessels       ■   Regulatory Pressures:       strategy positions companies      with an emphasis on facilitating    between manufacturers,
                        Institute for                                 for success in a rapidly changing     disassembly and component    material suppliers, and research
                       Manufacturing     The prevalence of increasing      market with a growing      reusability, thereby extending    institutions accelerating the
                                        international carbon taxes
                        Studies (TWIMS)                                                                                         development and adoption of
                                        such as the Carbon Border      emphasis on sustainability.    their lifespan and minimising    sustainable solutions.
                                                                                                    waste generation.
                                        Adjustment Mechanism
                                                                       Sustainable practices can unlock
                        T     he        (CBAM) has the potential      access to green financing and   ■   Content: Manufacturers are    education programme in green
                                                                                                                                 At TWIMS we offer an executive
                                                                                                     Integration of Recycled
                                        for enacting high penalties for
                                                                      investment opportunities,
                                                                                                                                manufacturing that offers a
        Imperative for Green            manufacturing firms that have      facilitating capital acquisition      increasingly incorporating    valuable opportunity for leaders
                                        an energy source that is highly
                                                                                                    higher percentages of recycled
                                                                      for future growth.
        Manufacturing Practices         carbon intensive, like Eskom    2.  The Ascendancy of Circular      materials into their products,    to gain critical knowledge and
                                                                                                                                skills to navigate the evolving
          The global manufacturing sector     grid-tied energy.        Economy Principles:          consequently diminishing    market landscape. Leaders will
        faces a multifaceted challenge:   Forward-thinking manufacturers    ■   The traditional linear economic      reliance on virgin resources.  walk away from the programme
        balancing economic growth with   can leverage the energy transition     model of ‘take, make, dispose’    These trends reshaping   having gained:
        environmental responsibility. A   as a strategic advantage by     is being challenged by the    green manufacturing require
        paradigm shift is taking place in                                                                                       ■   A comprehensive understanding
        manufacturing, with sustainable                                                                                           of green manufacturing
        manufacturing practices no longer                                                                                         principles, encompassing
        being a peripheral concern but                                                                                            resource management,
        a central tenet for a responsible                                                                                         sustainable business models,
        and prosperous future within the                                                                                          energy efficiency, circular
        manufacturing sector. This article                                                                                        economy, and life-cycle
        explores two trends shaping the                                                                                           assessment.
        landscape of green manufacturing                                                                                        ■   Practical strategies for
        and explores the benefits of                                                                                              integrating sustainability into
        undertaking executive education                                                                                           existing operations. This
        programmes in this field.                                                                                                 includes technology adoption
                                                                                                                                  choices and supply chain
        1.  Green Energy Adoption                                                                                                 optimisation.
           within manufacturing
                                                                                                                                  A strategic vision for green
          The global energy sector                                                                                              ■   manufacturing and the skills
        is undergoing a significant                                                                                               to champion its implementation
        transformation, characterised
        by a shift from traditional,                                                                                              within their organisations. 
        centralised, and carbon-intensive
        power sources towards cleaner,                                                                                          For more information visit
        decentralised, and digital                                                                                    
        solutions. This transition presents
        challenges and opportunities
        for the manufacturing sector,
        particularly in regions like South
        Africa with energy insecurity and
        a high dependence on fossil fuels.
        Manufacturers who fail to adapt


              hree KZN SMEs           sized enterprises (SMEs) in the   He explains that after a   Sustainability Solution, with   like visiting 12 suppliers in a single
              triumph at the Durban   South African automotive sector.  rigorous screening process   both receiving R15 000 in prize   day. I will certainly be encouraging
        TAutomotive Cluster            In opening the event, Takalani   to assess the viability of each   money. The Best Overall Business   other Tier 1 companies to
        Dragons’ Den Event.           Rathiyaya, Head of the Economic   business, the top contenders   Case, and R25 000, went to Sirius   collaborate as it boosts the tenacity
          The Durban Automotive Cluster   Development Unit at eThekwini   underwent comprehensive   Manufacturing.              of the whole automotive industry.”
                                                                    capacity-building to understand
        (DAC) Business Accelerator held   Municipality said, “The   what it is that big customers are   However, for the passionate SME   Ballard expressed his delight
        its ‘Dragons’ Den’ event at The   meaningful transformation that   looking for in local suppliers.  participants and esteemed industry   concluding, “The Accelerator’s
        Pearls in Umhlanga Rocks on 4   is achieved by investing in these                         leaders, the true prize extended far   ability to deliver meaningful
        June 2024. Although this step of   young, Black entrepreneurs in the   The SMEs were capacitated to   beyond the day’s monetary awards   results for SMEs and transform
        the Accelerator is based on the   automotive industry is priceless   develop a compelling business   – the real value lay in unlocking   their businesses into sustainable
        popular Dragons’ Den television   and we are so proud to be   pitch to unlock significant sales   sales opportunities, investments,   enterprises is proven and we
        show, its intentions and outcomes   involved in this partnership that   opportunities with potential   mentorship opportunities and   look forward to many more of
        are very different. The panel of   also drives localisation.”  customers.                 expert coaching to scale their   these events.” 
        ‘Dragons’, Kim Nisbet and      According to Kyle Ballard,    Consequently, selecting the   business through the Accelerator.
        Zimvo Mtolo from Toyota South   Head of Accelerators at the   top three from the twelve    Tansel Ozimamoglu, Vice      There are also three other Accelerator
                                                                                                                                programmes facilitated through the KZN
        Africa Motors, Thomo Molepo   DAC, the programme attracted   emerging, Black-owned SMEs   President of Business Management   Clothing & Textile Cluster, eThekwini
        from Hesto Harnesses, and Tansel   over 100 applications this year.   was a challenging task for the   at Toyota-Boshoku South Africa,   Furniture Cluster and Durban Chemicals
        Ozimamoglu from Toyota-       “This is a tribute to the success   Dragons. The panel settled on   highlighted the shared advantages   Cluster. So, if you are a large corporate
        Boshoku South Africa, were    of the Accelerator over the past   Enermous Investments for the   of the programme: “It has been   wanting to leverage the Accelerator for
                                                                                                                                your local supply chain, please contact
        all there to find ways to partner   six years and the transformative   Industry Game Changer award   beneficial and fruitful in finding
        with and bolster shortlisted    outcomes for both big customers   and Sizundawo Engineering   new suppliers for our latest projects
        high-potential small and medium-  and SMEs alike.”          for the Best Environmental    and localisation activities. It was   T: +27 (0)31 764 6100

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