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            tandard Bank and KZN                                                                                                KZN Top Brand
            Top Business are delighted                                                                                           Voting for the KZN Top Brand
        Sto announce the shortlisted                                                                                            is still open and is awarded
        entries in this year’s business                                                                                         based only on the results of a
        awards.  The annual Standard                                                                                            SMS voting system. In order to
        Bank KZN Top Business Awards                                                                                            vote for your favourite Standard
        celebrate and promote successful                                                                                        Bank KZN Top Business Brand
        large and small companies,                                                                                              2024, SMS the letters KZN and
        innovative programmes, projects,                                                                                        your chosen top brand’s name
        and people that have made a                                                                                             to 45633.
        positive impact on the province
        of KwaZulu-Natal.                                                                                                        A cost of R1.50 per SMS will be
                                                                                                                                incurred (Ts And Cs apply).
         Kuben Chetty, Standard
        Bank Provincial Head of                                                                                                  Furthermore, one lucky voter
        Commercial Banking for                                                                                                  could win one a one-night stay
        KZN, said, “Standard Bank is                                                                                            for two people at the Radisson
        committed to partnering with                                                                                            Blu Hotel Durban Umhlanga.
        businesses as they start, manage                                                                                         Voting for the Standard Bank
        and grow. Our approach                                                                                                  KZN Top Brand award closes on
        is built on a foundation of                                                                                             5 July at 10 pm.
        expert relationship managers
        who provide deeply personal                                                                                              Currently in the running are:
        service, based on an in-depth   Hameed Noormahomed and Kuben Chetty, Standard Bank                                      ■   Hollywoodbets
        understanding of clients. It’s                                                                                          ■   Mi7 National Group
        not just about transactions;                                engaged in farming activities,
        it’s about relationships that   ■   Studio39 Jewellery Design  but also includes commercial   ■   Natal Joint Municipal Pension    ■   Beekman Group
        deliver value and partnering   ■   Mac-Rites Panel Beaters &                                Fund                        ■   Bluff Meat Supply
        with clients for growth. We     Spray Painters              hunting, game propagation,    10.  Renewable Efficiency –    ■   Icebolethu Group
                                                                    forestry, logging and fishing.
        believe that these awards are key                           The beneficiation of primary     Green initiatives
        in celebrating the businesses   ■   LHL Engineering                                        This category includes renewable   ■   Woodford Group
        that align with our purpose of   4.  Transport/Logistics Sector  materials and intermediate goods   energy, low-carbon transport,   ■   Hirsch’s
        driving Africa’s growth.”      Business activities concerned   from agricultural, fisheries and   energy-efficient buildings, clean   ■   Bata
                                                                    forestry-based sectors is included.
         The following companies have   with transport via land, railway,                         technologies, improved waste   ■   East Coast Radio
        been shortlisted in each of the   water, pipelines, or air, and   ■   Heartland Foods     management, improved freshwater   ■   TAFTA
        twelve general categories.    activities of travel agencies, post   ■   Dreamcelsius Group Africa  provision, etc.
                                      and telecommunications, courier   ■   Agrikool                                            ■   LHL Engineering
        1.  Standard Bank Client of the    activities, as well as storage and   ■   GreenHills Laboratory  ■   Triplo4 Sustainable Solutions  ■   Sky Tents
          Year – SME Category         warehousing activities.                                     ■   Circular Energy           ■   Re/Max Coast and Country
         Entrants must have less than    ■   Grindrod Limited       8.  Education, Business and    ■   LiteBruim Group
        R100 million turn over per                                    Financial Services sector   ■   SAMAC Engineering Solutions  ■   Thirsti
        annum, entrant must bank with   ■   Dynamic Shipping Services  This sector includes insurance                           ■   Morar Incorporated
        Standard Bank.                ■   Linza Kahle               and pension funding; legal;   11.  Employee Wellness        ■   Tyson Properties
                                      ■   AML Distributions         accounting; education and general   Businesses that go the extra mile
        ■   Signa Travel                                            business activities.          to engage their staff members   ■   Goscor
        ■   Mac-Rites Panel Beaters &    5.  Franchising Sector                                   through in-house training, flexible  ■   SA Home Loans
          Spray Painters cc            A business that provides     ■   The Busy Bookkeeper &     working, personal development,   ■   KZN Oils
        ■   Thusi Holdings            products or services under the     Partners                 workplace wellbeing activity and   ■   Gagasi FM
        ■   Argento Trading 117cc     branding and rules stipulated by a   ■   Jacquie Bhana Consulting  teambuilding.          ■   Pedros Flame Grilled Chicken
                                      parent company.
        ■   Steelco                                                 ■   Morar Incorporated        ■   Beekman Group             ■   Royal Tyres
                                                                       Arvind Magan and Associates
        ■   Construction for Africa   ■   ActionCOACH Marlene Powell  ■   Inc.                    ■   SRF Flexipak SA
        ■   Black City Media          ■   Pedros Flame Grilled Chicken  ■   Inspired Financial Management    ■   Powerpoint Lifestyles  All the winners will be
        2.  Standard Bank Client of the    ■   RE/MAX Coast and Country  Solutions                12.  Partnership Award        announced at the gala dinner on
          Year – Larger Enterprise    6.  Family-Owned/Managed      ■   Bosse Events               The winning project will reflect   the 17 July 2024.
         Entrants must have more than      Businesses               ■   Powerpoint Lifestyles     the importance of teamwork and   #PartneringForGrowth
        R100 million turn over per     Businesses where the majority   ■   Dolphin Coast Solar Solutions  effective inter-agency collaboration.   #sbkzntbAWARDS24
        annum, entrant must bank with    ownership/management remains   ■   Fem Build
        Standard Bank.                within a family and where more                              ■   Tidy Towns                For more information
        ■   Royal Tyres               than one generation contributes   9.  Community Upliftment and    ■ ■   Do More Foundation  Contact Gayle Adlam
                                                                                                                                T:  +27 (0)83 653 0465 or
                                                                                                     Phakamani Empowerment
        ■   Sumitomo Rubber South     to the success of the business.   Businesses or social enterprises                           +27 (0)31 267 1977
          Africa (Pty) Ltd            ■   Asha Law Attorneys and    that have made a significant   “We want to express our sincere   E:
        ■   Natal Joint Municipal Pension      Conveyancers         positive impact on the community   gratitude to all the companies   W:
          Fund                        ■   Royal Tyres               and region they operate in. This   that participated ... and a huge
                                                                                                  congratulations to the shortlisted
        3.  Manufacturing Sector      ■   Heads and Tails Exotics   could include charitable efforts or   candidates in each category.
         Broadly defined as the physical   ■   Global Impex S.A     developing your local community   Getting to the shortlist is a great
        or chemical transformation of   ■   Miktek Scientific       to make KZN a better place to live   achievement,” commented Grant
        materials or compounds into new   ■   Steelco               and work.                     Adlam, CEO KZN Top Business.
        products.                     ■   Dromex                    ■   Sibaya Community Trust
        ■   Sky Tents                 ■   Cafe Monroe               ■   Innovate Durban           Leader of the Year
                                                                                                   The Standard Bank KZN Top
        ■   Argento Trading           ■   Gebodo Projects           ■   Grasshopper Soccer Durban  Business Leader of the Year
        ■   Joekels Tea Packers       ■   Drakewoods Group          ■   Phakamani Empowerment     award is an honorary award
        ■   Beauty and Brushez Artistry   ■   Felix Risk Training    ■   SmartXchange             given to a businessperson who
        ■   Natal Razor and Wire        Consultants                 ■   Phoenix Group             has demonstrated exemplary
        ■   Sumitomo Rubber SA        7.  Agricultural and Agro-    ■   Do More Foundation        business achievement,
        ■   SA Adhesives                Processing Sector           ■   TAFTA                     industry influence and is a true     Media Partners:
        ■   Aberdare Cables            Incorporates establishments   ■   SA Home Loans            inspiration to others. The winner
                                                                                                  of this award will be announced
        ■   ND Engineering            and activities that are primarily   ■   Use It Waste Beneficiation  at the gala dinner.

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