Page 6 - KZN Business Sense 10.3
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                                                                      n a recent interview, Russell   Dube TradeZone 1, which is fully   Studio, which is a private sector
                                                                      Curtis, Head of Invest Durban,   tenanted by 50 investors, including   led project with an estimated
                                                                    Isaid that a growing and      international companies such as   investment value of over R7.5
                                                                    powerful dynamic is that the   Samsung, Mahindra, DHL, Chem   billion. The Natal Command site,
                                                                    business sector leadership are   Energy and PepsiCo-Futurelife.  which is set to transform the face of
                                                                    forming much more local and                                 the Durban beachfront promenade,
                                                                    international partnerships.    Dube TradeZone 2, opens      will boast high-end venues
                                                                                                  an additional 45 hectares of   including hotels, flats, restaurants
                                                                     Consequently, a number of large-  industrial land for development   and a shopping centre. The
                                                                    scale projects are underway in the   and brings to market another 23   development of the site is expected
                                                                    greater eThekwini region and the   fully serviced sites which range   to create thousands of jobs during
                                                                    impact of the partnerships that   in size. Dube TradeZone 2 will   the construction phase, with a
                                                                    have been formed to spearhead   include three Dube TradePort-  few thousand remaining once the
                                                                    these developments is tangible.    owned warehouses, one of which   businesses become operational.
                                                                    These catalytic projects are making   will accommodate medium-sized
                                                                    a regional impact, providing   businesses enabling the expansion   With these ongoing
                                                                    much stimulus to the economy   of small businesses located in the   developments, Durban and by
                                                                    as well as providing employment,   mini-factories.          extension KwaZulu-Natal are
                                                                    opportunities and potential                                 solidifying their status as Africa’s
                                                                    revenue creation.             Westown                       investment destination, poised for
                                                                                                   Led by the Fundamentum       sustained growth and providing
                                                                    Current catalytic projects    Property Group, which acquired   much opportunity.
                                                                    underway include Westown,     the development rights from
                                                                    Dube TradeZone 2, Giba Business   Tongaat Hulett Property, Westown   Club Med Tinley
                                                                    Estate, Club Med Tinley, Sibaya   is one of the biggest infrastructural   Club Med Tinley is proudly
                                                                    Coastal Precinct, the Avoca Node   investments in Durban since   being developed by KZN company
                                                                    Development and Durban Film   the Soccer World Cup in 2010.   Collins Residential, with the
                                                                    Studio, amongst others.       Westown has the support of all   French headquartered Club Med
                                                                    Giba Business Estate          three spheres of government,   taking the helm as hotel operators.
                                                                                                  and all departments within the
                                                                     The R1.9 billion Giba Business   eThekwini Municipality, as well   Olivier Perillat, general manager
                                                                    Estate developer, Sultex Holdings   as the local Chief, Indunas and   of Club Med SA, said the R2bn
                                                                    is a group of local Durban    councillors. It is working with local   resort project, which is due to open
                                                                    businesspersons who are       businesses and stakeholders such as   in July 2026, would be a force for
                                                                    collectively undertaking this   the Durban Shongweni Club and   regional growth. 
                                                                    prestigious project. Sultex Holdings   Polo Club, The Mushroom Farm,   Club Med Tinley is expected to
                                                                    is a black-owned company with a   and Shongweni Farmer’s Market to   generate over 800 direct jobs and
                                                                    level one BBBEE score.        ensure these critical assets continue  an additional 1 500 indirect jobs,
                                                                     The company has employed a   to thrive.                    stimulating the local economy
                                                                    professional team, led by Nathoo   Westown is set to generate some   and empowering individuals and
                                                                    Mbeyane Engineers and Re-Invent   R15 billion in investment over   families with new opportunities.
                                                                    Property Development Managers,   the next 10 -15 years, both in   During its construction phase,
                                                                    which led to the successful   infrastructure and top structures,  the project will also employ 1 200
                                                                    commencement of this project.                               construction workers, providing a
                                                                                                   The opening of Westown Square   significant boost to the job market.
                                                                     The project seeks to rejuvenate   and The Barn In March 2025, will
                                                                    and further develop Giba Business   bring to the region high-street   In addition, the resort will further
                                                                    Park, supporting the eco-tourism   shopping with dining, leisure and   promote tourism on the KZN
                                                                    aspect of Giba Gorge, whilst   recreation experiences which also   north coast potentially prompting
                                                                    having a massive social impact   offer much opportunity to the   more international investment to
                                                                    on the local informal community.   business sector.         the province.
                                                                    These impacts support both the                               For more information on
                                                                    job market, whilst increasing   Avoca Node Development      these projects and the potential
                                                                    business opportunities for     The Avoca Nodal Development   opportunities available for retailers
                                                                    light commercial, logistics, and   consists of three precincts ideally   and other business operators in
                                                                    warehousing in Durban.
                                                                                                  located along the N2 Corridor.   some of the projects, please contact
                                                                     This estate provides a safe and   These precincts are the Brickworks   Invest Durban
                                                                    secure environment, complete   and Northfields industrial    Invest Durban was recommended
                                                                    with modern infrastructure, to   developments and the Caneridge   by the Durban City Council and
                                                                    elevate your business to the next   residential development.  organised private business as
                                                                    level of success.
                                                                                                   The launch of the new state-of-  the First Stop Shop to stimulate
                                                                    Dube TradeZone 2              the-art distribution centre for   new investment in the Durban
                                                                                                  Takealot in Avoca will impact   metropolis. They act as a
                                                                     Dube TradeZone 2 has, to date,   the province in a positive way   partnership between the Metro
                                                                    attracted R1.8-billion in private-  and create thousands of jobs. The   City Council and the private
                                                                    sector investment and this phase is   centre, which is located within   business sector, offering a free
                                                                    expected to create 600 jobs within   The Brickworks, a 157-hectare   investor advisory service, plus
                                                                    the next five years.  Four of these   business and logistics park, is   key promotion, facilitation, and
                                                                    investors have begun constructing   being developed by Investec   aftercare services between all
                                                                    their facilities.             Property at the region’s old   investment stakeholders.

                                                                     Dube TradeZone 2 will target   Corobrik factory site.
                                                                    investors in the manufacturing and   The construction of the Takealot
                                                                    assembly, logistics and automotive   Distribution Centre is planned for
                                                                    sectors while facilitating    completion in July, with operations
                                                                    the planned expansion of a number   commencing by October this year.
                                                                    of phase one-based enterprises.
                                                                     The launch of the second phase   Durban Film Studio
                                                                    of the TradeZone follows the   Construction has finally
                                                                    successful implementation of   commenced on the Durban Film

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