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              he long awaited South   which is showing growth in many   annually through the Standard   ■   Marlene Powell: Cutting
              African general elections   areas of the economy.     Bank KZN Top Business           through the B*S*. The reality
        Thave passed and now           Significant development is   Awards. These awards show that     check every business owner
        we have set our hopes on the   taking place in the eThekwini   there are many good stories to     needs on when to cut your
        Government of National Unity   Metro, which is apparent in   tell and many businesses and     losses. Page 5
        (GNU) to take the country on a   the various projects that Invest   organisations striving to have   ■   Richard Hoal and Khanya    KWAZULU-NATAL
        new path.                     Durban has been championing.   a purpose beyond profit. In     Mgebisa, Cox Yeats Attorneys:     BUSINESS CHAMBERS
          In his weekly newsletter,   These developments augur well   addition, KwaZulu-Natal has a     The dynamics of industry    COUNCIL:
        President Ramaphosa said      for the economy of the province as   large number of home-grown     associations and anti-
        the formation of the second   well as provide much opportunity   brands that deserve recognition.     competitive behaviour. Page 7  Chairperson: Paul Ngema
        Government of National Unity   for employment creation and the   Page 8                   ■   Melissa Mungroo, UKZN     Physical Address:
        (GNU) was a momentous         upliftment of people. Page 6   One such brand is SAMAC        Foundation: Balancing medicine
        development in South Africa’s   The potential for development   Engineering Solutions who is     and passion for empowerment.    Queens Court Building,
        democracy.                    of the blue economy in eThekwini   making an impact in the efficient     Page 9           5 Samora Machel Street,
          “South Africans made clear   to grow the economy and attract   use of energy through technology.   ■   Jacquie Bhana, High    Durban, 4001
        with their votes in last month’s   international investors is also of   In this edition we feature Mpumzi     performance coach, mentor, and    Tel: +27 (0)31 305 9867
        elections that they want their   interest. Page 4           Swana, SAMAC chief operating     counsellor: Boredom at work    E-mail:
        elected representatives to put   As part of the investment   officer, who believes in taking     can be more dangerous than
        aside narrow interests and work   promotion process embarked   action to achieve his life goals and     burnout. Page 10  Website:
        together to build the country,” He   on by the City, engagements are   who is driven to be a responsible   ■   Liesel Kassier, Toyota Wessels
        added, “The success of the GNU   underway with business leaders   citizen. Page 1 and 3     Institute for Manufacturing      holding back your team? Page 13
        will be measured by the extent to   and discussions are centred   The Minara Chamber of     Studies (TWIMS): Leading    ■   Colette Tanner, Chief
        which we are prepared to focus   around trade and investment   Commerce also calls for      the transition to green       Operations Officer, DRG:
        not on who will govern, but on   opportunities in various sectors   nominations in their annual     manufacturing. Page 11    The servant leader paradox.
        how we will govern, together.”                              recognition awards. Page 2
                                      including property development,                             ■   Sameer Kumandan,            Page 16 
          These aspirations give much   education, sports, agriculture, arts   The articles by our regular     SearchWorks: Building trust
        hope for the future success of   and culture.               editorial contributors include:    through accurate data for    In the coming weeks we look forward to
        the country. In addition, there   The successes of the province’s   ■   Johan van Deventer, LabourNet:       financial advisors. Page 12  sharing more good news on our various
        is much to be positive about   businesses and organisation     Data compliance for your    ■   Anneme Coetzee, NLP Master    social media platforms. Visit
        especially in KwaZulu-Natal,   is recognised and celebrated     payroll processes. Page 4    Trainer: Is your leadership style




              he Minara Chamber of       have shown remarkable      6.  Professional Achiever of
              Commerce announces the      growth, innovation, and       the Year
        Topening of nominations for      sustainability in their       Recognising professionals
        the prestigious Minara Business   operations.                  who have excelled in their
        Recognition Awards 2024. With   2.  Businessperson of the Year      respective fields, demonstrating
        Standard Bank South Africa as our      Celebrating business leaders       excellence, integrity, and
        Supporting Partner 2024, we are      who have displayed exceptional    leadership.
        thrilled to embark on this journey      leadership, vision, and impact
        of honouring and celebrating                                 Nominations for the Minara
        outstanding individuals who have      at the highest levels of    Business Awards will close July 31,
        made significant contributions to      managing a business.   2024. We encourage businesses,
        the business community.       3.  Business Woman of the Year   individuals and organisations to
                                         Highlighting the achievements    nominate deserving candidates
          The annual Minara Business      and contributions of women    who have made a positive impact
        Recognition Awards serve as      entrepreneurs and leaders in    on the business and professional
        a platform to acknowledge        the business world.        landscapes.
        excellence, innovation, and
        dedication across various sectors of   4.  Young Entrepreneur of    The Minara Business
        the economy.                     the Year                   Recognition Awards boasts a rich   The winners of Annual Minara Chamber Business Awards 2023 were
                                         Acknowledging the          history of past winners, whose
          Nominations are invited        innovation, drive, and success    exceptional achievements are both   announced at the Awards dinner at the Elangeni Hotel in Durban on 27
        for individuals who have         of young entrepreneurs who    a testament to their success and   October 2023.
        demonstrated exemplary           are shaping the future of    inspiration to others. 
        leadership, entrepreneurial spirit,   business.                                                                 SCAN THE
        and commitment to community                                 For more information on how to                     QR CODE TO
        development.                  5.  Community Builder of the Year   submit nominations and sponsorship           DOWNLOAD
                                         Honouring individuals      opportunities, please visit our website
          The categories for nominations      that have made significant    at alternatively              THE
        are:                             contributions to the       email us on /                   APPLICATION
        1.  Business Entity of the Year      upliftment and development                               FORM
                                                                    Download the application form
           Recognising businesses that       of communities.

        BUSINESS SENSE                                        © Copyright of all material is reserved and no part of Business Sense may be reproduced   COMMENTS:
                                                              or transmitted in any form or by any means without written permission of  Top Business.
        Published by: Top Business, 71 Underwood Road, Hatton Estates  While every care has been taken in the compilation of this information and every   We welcome comments and seek a lively discussion. Comments
                                                                                                                  that raise questions, clarify content, constitute serious rebuttals,
        Features & Advertising: Grant Adlam: 083 262 9529     attempt made to present up-to-date and accurate information, we cannot guarantee   and promote discussion are welcomed and encouraged but will
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        Editorial: Gayle Adlam: 083 653 0465 | 031 267 1977 |  that inaccuracies will not occur. Top Business will not be held responsible for any loss,   necessarily limited to  non publishing of comments, removal of
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        Accounts: Tracy Engelbrecht:  pages.                                              offending material, or editing for spelling or grammar, at the sole
                                                                                                                  discretion of the editorial board of Business Sense.
        Design & Layout: Kerri Adlam | Kezlea Graphics |  The thoughts and opinions expressed here are those of the individual contributors   Please send your queries to
                                                              alone and do not necessarily reflect the views of their employers, the KwaZulu-Natal
        Website:                         Business Chambers Council, its members,  staff or funding agencies and advertisers.  We look forward to hearing from you!
        BUSINESS SENSE is brought to you by Top Business Portfolio.
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